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My sister is getting married and she wants me to go to her wedding! I'd forgotten all about it until she sent me a text last night. Weddings are the worst. There's so much noise and way too many people, half of which I wouldn't even know! And I'm not a dress wearing girl, more of a wear my jumper and jeans and stay in my room kinda girl.

How am I going to get out of this? It's the middle of February and I can't go. I get car sick. People freak me out. I have panic attacks and meltdowns.

  • I agree with other commenters about talking to her and explaining what you find hard. At my sister's wedding, she made sure there was a quiet room I could go off too when it got too much for me.

  • I agree with other commenters about talking to her and explaining what you find hard. At my sister's wedding, she made sure there was a quiet room I could go off too when it got too much for me.
