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My sister is getting married and she wants me to go to her wedding! I'd forgotten all about it until she sent me a text last night. Weddings are the worst. There's so much noise and way too many people, half of which I wouldn't even know! And I'm not a dress wearing girl, more of a wear my jumper and jeans and stay in my room kinda girl.

How am I going to get out of this? It's the middle of February and I can't go. I get car sick. People freak me out. I have panic attacks and meltdowns.

  • I would start by stating your problems openly to your sister, then aim at a compromise. I'm sure that if you asked to not be involved for longer than you can stand, this could be accommodated. If the only way you could be present, is to slip in at the back, after the bride has entered the room or church, and then slip out before everyone else leaves, this would be preferable to your sister than your complete non-attendance. 

  • Very solid advice.  I am in support of this.

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  • Seconded

    I think issue here really is your willingness to connect with your sister prior to the event. Bring really open and saying 'im struggling do much with the idea of being at the event that it's making me ill'.

    She may perhaps then be open to discussing alternatives. Maybe being there for part of the ceremony and then again for the toast and speeches? Both situations would require less socialising, at a guess.

    Open the dialogue on it early though, very important