
Do you enjoy going abroad and/or travelling within your own country?

I've only been to a few countries in my life, all in Europe.

So, what makes you feel you need to have a 'holiday' in another place from home?

Some of my motivations:

1.  Because it's the 'done thing' so I think a part of it was to fit in with the 'crowd'.

2.  To experience other cultures and see some beauty in the world (that was Italy).


1.  I hate the journey.

2.  I worry about leaving my home untended.

3.  I feel deeply disorientated by hotel rooms etc.

4.  I feel deeply disorientated by being in 'strange' places.

5.  I feel deeply disorientated by the change in routine.

6.  I hate heat and don't swim so beach holidays are out.

7.  Financial restraints.

I think I get less stressed by travelling in the UK, with knowing I can get home quickly if required.

How about you?

  • I’ve always had to travel quite a lot for work so I’ve gotten used to it - all over Europe and North America. However, most of my adult life I didn’t go on holidays because I didn’t have anyone to go with, but back in 2013 I decided I was missing out on too much and went on my first solo holiday.

    Since then I’ve been all over Spain and Portugal and the Canaries by myself on numerous solo holidays. 

    I love the weather and negotiating new languages and I like walking and running in the sunshine. But eating alone on holiday is a nightmare and wandering around by yourself when everyone else is in couples, families or groups of friends is very alienating.

    I decided this year that I won’t go away by myself again.

    The travelling part is quite easy though - I sort of dissociate during and do everything on autopilot. Get a window seat on the plane, put my noise cancelling headphones on and watch a movie.

  • I’ve always had to travel quite a lot for work so I’ve gotten used to it - all over Europe and North America. However, most of my adult life I didn’t go on holidays because I didn’t have anyone to go with, but back in 2013 I decided I was missing out on too much and went on my first solo holiday.

    Since then I’ve been all over Spain and Portugal and the Canaries by myself on numerous solo holidays. 

    I love the weather and negotiating new languages and I like walking and running in the sunshine. But eating alone on holiday is a nightmare and wandering around by yourself when everyone else is in couples, families or groups of friends is very alienating.

    I decided this year that I won’t go away by myself again.

    The travelling part is quite easy though - I sort of dissociate during and do everything on autopilot. Get a window seat on the plane, put my noise cancelling headphones on and watch a movie.

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