
Do you enjoy going abroad and/or travelling within your own country?

I've only been to a few countries in my life, all in Europe.

So, what makes you feel you need to have a 'holiday' in another place from home?

Some of my motivations:

1.  Because it's the 'done thing' so I think a part of it was to fit in with the 'crowd'.

2.  To experience other cultures and see some beauty in the world (that was Italy).


1.  I hate the journey.

2.  I worry about leaving my home untended.

3.  I feel deeply disorientated by hotel rooms etc.

4.  I feel deeply disorientated by being in 'strange' places.

5.  I feel deeply disorientated by the change in routine.

6.  I hate heat and don't swim so beach holidays are out.

7.  Financial restraints.

I think I get less stressed by travelling in the UK, with knowing I can get home quickly if required.

How about you?

  • I love going on holiday - as long as I am with my parents and my fiancée.

    I've been to several places over the years, all over Europe such as France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Malta. I have also been to California, Boston and also to Montreal, Canada several times because my brother and his family live over there. 

    I am happy when I go away with my parents as they know me well enough that even though they are there, they also make sure I have my own hotel room when I do stay in a hotel.

    I'm definitely less sure about holidaying alone - I have done it once before to stay for a two week trip with my brother back in 2014. This only lasted 5 days though as I had a fight with my brother and was too nervous to go anywhere else apart from the Biodome (which is an extremely large indoor zoo) and my brother changed my tickets back. Now I don't go there unless my parents are with me and I have a hotel room so I can get my own space. This happened before I knew I was autistic and I'm sure I had burnout when I was there.

    I'm not keen on going to the airport, taking off and landing in a plane (due to my anxiety), but since I found out about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Icon, I found my last trip (in October 2022) a much easier experience.

    I am going to be seeing my aunts on Friday and they live in Arudel (West Sussex) and I am going on my own by train - and I am really anxious about this trip as I am going to a station that I'm not familiar with (East Croyden) and then changing trains to get to Barnham, where my aunts are picking me up from. I am also nervous because even though I know I am staying with people I know, I'm not sure what exactly they have planned for me. I am going to message them tomorrow to find out the plan, because at least then I know what I am doing.

    Sorry, I have kind of rambled on here lol, but hope this helps.

    Mweekie xx

  • I hope you enjoy your time in Arundel and that the journey there goes well.

    It's a lovely old town with a castle with beautiful gardens, a Catholic cathedral, a lake, a bird nature reserve, a river and lots of vintage shops.

    One of my favourite places.

  • Hey Debbie,

    Thanks for those suggestions, I will ask if I can go to the castle and the nature reserve Slight smile as they sound like my kind of thing.

    Mweekie xx

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