
Do you enjoy going abroad and/or travelling within your own country?

I've only been to a few countries in my life, all in Europe.

So, what makes you feel you need to have a 'holiday' in another place from home?

Some of my motivations:

1.  Because it's the 'done thing' so I think a part of it was to fit in with the 'crowd'.

2.  To experience other cultures and see some beauty in the world (that was Italy).


1.  I hate the journey.

2.  I worry about leaving my home untended.

3.  I feel deeply disorientated by hotel rooms etc.

4.  I feel deeply disorientated by being in 'strange' places.

5.  I feel deeply disorientated by the change in routine.

6.  I hate heat and don't swim so beach holidays are out.

7.  Financial restraints.

I think I get less stressed by travelling in the UK, with knowing I can get home quickly if required.

How about you?

  • I think I have finally found my perfect holiday, where I come home relaxed & feeling like I can cope with everything better. 

    I go to the Netherlands by myself & stay in a little chalet. it's part of group & there are loads of pictures on their website so I can see where I will sleep & eat is like. I go by overnight ferry, so always have my own cabin as well, I try to wait a little bit once the car is on the ferry until I go to my cabin. 

    I like my holidays like this I can completely relax & unmask, which I never manage to do at home. I can take as may of my home comforts as I like/ need/ can fit in the car. I don't have to stress about what to eat, as I can either take my own food or buy food there. In my planning phase, I will find the local supermarkets & see what food I can buy that is the same as here that I eat. 

    I will spend days planning my holiday (I think this could be the best part of it) from google maps to see where I am staying & getting to know the local area, to looking at website for local shops to know what foods I can eat while away. 

    Last year, I decided to go on a city break, I managed to have 2 meltdowns before I even made it to the hotel. I am so glad I to see Barcelona, I arrived back so much more stressed that when I went. 

  • I think I have finally found my perfect holiday, where I come home relaxed & feeling like I can cope with everything better. 

    I go to the Netherlands by myself & stay in a little chalet. it's part of group & there are loads of pictures on their website so I can see where I will sleep & eat is like. I go by overnight ferry, so always have my own cabin as well, I try to wait a little bit once the car is on the ferry until I go to my cabin. 

    I like my holidays like this I can completely relax & unmask, which I never manage to do at home. I can take as may of my home comforts as I like/ need/ can fit in the car. I don't have to stress about what to eat, as I can either take my own food or buy food there. In my planning phase, I will find the local supermarkets & see what food I can buy that is the same as here that I eat. 

    I will spend days planning my holiday (I think this could be the best part of it) from google maps to see where I am staying & getting to know the local area, to looking at website for local shops to know what foods I can eat while away. 

    Last year, I decided to go on a city break, I managed to have 2 meltdowns before I even made it to the hotel. I am so glad I to see Barcelona, I arrived back so much more stressed that when I went. 

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