
Do you enjoy going abroad and/or travelling within your own country?

I've only been to a few countries in my life, all in Europe.

So, what makes you feel you need to have a 'holiday' in another place from home?

Some of my motivations:

1.  Because it's the 'done thing' so I think a part of it was to fit in with the 'crowd'.

2.  To experience other cultures and see some beauty in the world (that was Italy).


1.  I hate the journey.

2.  I worry about leaving my home untended.

3.  I feel deeply disorientated by hotel rooms etc.

4.  I feel deeply disorientated by being in 'strange' places.

5.  I feel deeply disorientated by the change in routine.

6.  I hate heat and don't swim so beach holidays are out.

7.  Financial restraints.

I think I get less stressed by travelling in the UK, with knowing I can get home quickly if required.

How about you?

  • I used to enjoy the excitement when I was younger, but much of it from the airport onwards involved alcohol which helped me relax.

    Anyway, I took a trip to Malta a couple of months back. I used to live there and thought I’d revisit my old home.

    The stress was unbearable. I left my first hotel due to the noise. I could hear chairs scraping and buses hissing constantly. I went to another hotel on the island and developed a lift phobia. I had major panic, convinced I’d get stuck and die. I’d sometimes leap out before the doors shut. God knows what they thought if they could see me on CCTV!

    I barely slept the whole time. Hardly spoke to anyone. Would hide in the corner when I went out to eat. I questioned how I ever lived there and ran a business. It was all down to the routine and structure I once had. Also, the fact that I was engrossed in my interests. Without this, I flounder big time and anxiety takes over.

    The flight was unbearable too. There was a constant queue to the toilet which meant having someone’s buttocks stuffed in my face for three hours. No thanks. Never again.

  • I can relate to a lot of that.

    In fact, hotel rooms are a big problem for me as I usually sleep in my own quiet room, at the back of the house, alone.

    The old saying 'there's no place like home' is quite true for some of us.

  • Your sleeping place sounds perfect! 

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