Reverse SAD

Anyone else have this? 

Where most look forward to ever more daylight, it's around now that I start to miss in advance the clear delineation between day and night. That first evening leaving work and it's still daylight depresses me profoundly in a way I can't quite explain. The aggressive insistence of Spring I suppose.

I'm really going to miss my 4.30 pm twilights, but I suppose if we had our personal favourite seasons (autumn/winter in my case) all year round we'd never appreciate them to the extent we do.

Anyone else understand/have this reversal of the more conventional form of SAD?  It's not that I won't get *something* out of the warmer months of flourishing nature, but witnessing Spring's birthpains is like an assault on the senses. Daffodils kind of disgust me - they're so raw, the early shock troops of the season, forced out of the soil into cold harsh misery and screaming in pain. Crocuses too. Like the visual equivalent of being near chopped raw onions or something. Snowdrops at least look more pleasant and delicate, but they're so impertinently 'early' - can we just have winter for now please, thanks?  Anyone get this, or am I just sounding insane? 

  • I'm winter months all the way. Like I do enjoy spring, there's something special about it when the flowers start to grow again and the trees thicken but during the winter it's cooler which is fab for me as even 15 degrees is too hot for me, and there's less people because it's too dark and cold for them to be out.

    I wish it could be winter all the time, minus Christmas and I'd be happy :) 

    This time of the year is unsettling, change is happening each day, and I know that warmer weather is on its way sooner or later. Already more people are out for longer. Looking forward to winter again.

  • I'd like to die in Winter... but not because of it

  • When I'm an old lady I want to go in my sleep on one of those perfect winters nights, hot cocoa next to me and a fire crackling peacefully. I mean in a nice way like sleep not disease or heart attack lol.

  • I've thought about it a lot more recently, not in a bad suicidal way, I don't get those thoughts haven't in ages but my health is bad so I am curious.

    Might end up being a young woman, in my bed, by the fire with a hot cup of tea (changed from cocoa because I realised I don't really like cocoa lol) who passes peacefully in her sleep dreaming of unicorns, depending how health problems go.

    It's such a crazy surreal thing isn't it, knowing it'll happen one day but you don't know when, where or how. My mum used to say life's greatest adventure and mystery.


  • It’s one of those things though isn’t it? We know that there’ll be a specific day and time of year that we’ll shuffle off. Will it be one of our favourite days of the week or the opposite? Will we care? Or be able to? Will it be a cool autumnal or winter evening in a warm room or a stifling humid day in summer? I think to go, peaceful and cosy, on a Winter Friday after dark in a snowy December and at home would be the ideal. Bit of a lottery win scenario though! I suppose I can see why some choose their own time and place rather than let the fares decide. 

  • It’s one of those things though isn’t it? We know that there’ll be a specific day and time of year that we’ll shuffle off. Will it be one of our favourite days of the week or the opposite? Will we care? Or be able to? Will it be a cool autumnal or winter evening in a warm room or a stifling humid day in summer? I think to go, peaceful and cosy, on a Winter Friday after dark in a snowy December and at home would be the ideal. Bit of a lottery win scenario though! I suppose I can see why some choose their own time and place rather than let the fares decide. 

  • I've thought about it a lot more recently, not in a bad suicidal way, I don't get those thoughts haven't in ages but my health is bad so I am curious.

    Might end up being a young woman, in my bed, by the fire with a hot cup of tea (changed from cocoa because I realised I don't really like cocoa lol) who passes peacefully in her sleep dreaming of unicorns, depending how health problems go.

    It's such a crazy surreal thing isn't it, knowing it'll happen one day but you don't know when, where or how. My mum used to say life's greatest adventure and mystery.
