Encountered with a dog

One of the town residents really understand that I get nervous about dogs. The owner got a really well trained dog.

The butchers helper tried to make me friends with the dog. Every week the dog gets scrapes of meat. The owner wife said to him don't let rosy do anything if uncomfortable. 

Some owners don't understand about people getting nervous about dogs and make up excuses. Also unpredictable.

When first moved to the town a neighbour (now deceased); had a rescue dog and said don't touch her etc..  charity shops allow dogs and have doggy treats. Unfair as I just froze last time. 

  • They make loud noises, unpredictably, so I dislike dogs. At my age I can carry a stick with no-one being surprised, so if I am going on a long walk and might come across dogs, I now carry a stick. It makes me feel more confident.

  • They make loud noises, unpredictably, so I dislike dogs. At my age I can carry a stick with no-one being surprised, so if I am going on a long walk and might come across dogs, I now carry a stick. It makes me feel more confident.

  • Dogs are extremely predictable when you understand them. Though obviously to someone that has never owned or had dogs in their life won’t know that. I’ve always said (before I knew I was autistic) that dogs are autistic. They don’t like change, anything out of the ordinary. They have amazingly strong senses-hearing and smell. They like routine. As an example, I’ve had dogs freak out and start barking at a football in the water they came across. They walked there all the time, loved going in that water, would have tennis balls thrown in the water. But this was an object that shouldn’t have been there, and had never been there before. They knew what footballs were and had they found one on the path would have played with it. But to them, in this situation it was wrong, and they were scared.