Encountered with a dog

One of the town residents really understand that I get nervous about dogs. The owner got a really well trained dog.

The butchers helper tried to make me friends with the dog. Every week the dog gets scrapes of meat. The owner wife said to him don't let rosy do anything if uncomfortable. 

Some owners don't understand about people getting nervous about dogs and make up excuses. Also unpredictable.

When first moved to the town a neighbour (now deceased); had a rescue dog and said don't touch her etc..  charity shops allow dogs and have doggy treats. Unfair as I just froze last time. 

  • im ok with dogs, but one time there was this guy down the road who let his annoying yapping howling jack russle out all the time freely and allowed it to freely roam the streets and it was aggressive so if it saw you it would howl and run at you and try bite at you and harrass you and when it was out it always stayed at the end of our street making it so you had to walk past it and have it try attack you every time. was pretty annoying and didnt like that at all.

  • Sometimes hear dogs barking, off the lead and chasing squirrels. 

Reply Children
  • Poor old squirrels! Just the way of things I suppose. Owners are way more diligent than they used to be at least. Outside was genuinely like a post apocalyptic tundra full of practically wild beasts when I was a child. One would have to suddenly sprint or roll across broken glass (no soft landings in playgrounds in those days!) into a hiding space when the cry of ‘here comes Max!’ or ‘Spike’s got out of the gate!’ or similar would go up from the first child to spot one of these terrors bounding over.