Life stages/becoming an adult

Have you ever felt that you are not growing up properly?

That other people are more adult than you?

I've often felt that my peers are properly 'grown-up' and I'm not.

It's partly to do with still being in touch with the child within I think, but also to do with reaching the stages we are meant to at the 'wrong' times in life, or not reaching them at all.

I assume now that this is because of autism.

So, I missed out on the having children stage completely.

1st serious boyfriend in my 30s.

Mortgage in my 30s, but only because of the compensation from a traffic accident.

Marriage in my 50s.

Sometimes it's as if life is going on around you and you stand still.

I'm happy with where I am now but am very conscious that I've 'missed out' on quite a lot of life.

I'd have liked to have had a career but then again, maybe that would have been too stressful.

I'd have liked to have studied for a degree.

These are 'life achievements' that have passed me by.

Does this resonate with anyone?

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