Creative work

Does anyone else think that us autistic people are not really suited to the regimented 9-5? Ive always struggled with work but the thing is im not adversed to hard work, I just cant cope with the "norm" of regimented shifts and work hours, plus bosses expectations of me which I never understand and the pressure of constant social interaction all day

For me being a writer from home would be my ideal job. I write a lot, mostly articles but I wonder if I should make a go of writing a novel. I started one about 3 years ago but havnt written in it for a while. I am thinking of writing short stories for magazines too

I wonder if us autistic people are more suited to creative jobs where we can be our own boss. Does anyone else every find this?

  • plus bosses expectations of me which I never understand and the pressure of constant social interaction all day


    I was lucky enough to be in a position to stop working in my 50s, in 2015.

    I never get bored, love photography + its related artwork, making sculptures from seashore finds, reading, gardening etc.

    I wonder if us autistic people are more suited to creative jobs where we can be our own boss. Does anyone else every find this?

    I don't know if creativity is an autistic thing, but I know that I was singularly unsuited to the regimented world of work.

    I worked from the age of 18 (post 'A' levels) to 53 in administrative roles.

    It was very stressful, full of constant anxieties, both with regard to the job itself and especially with regard to social interaction.

    I was frequently bullied and was made redundant 3 times.

    The majority of this period I was single so I didn't have another person to fall back on for support.

    I realise now that my several 'meltdowns' or 'breakdowns' whilst working were probably autism lead.

    Being very very anxious about interviews, my last few years were spent in long-term agency work, where interviews aren't so much a 'thing'.

    I hope you can find a better way forward and wish you all the very best.

  • A lot of your experiences sound like mine. I have been bullied at work and fired or made redundant several times. I have had meltdowns or breakdowns because of work my whole life. 

    Ive done many years of agency work too, I think for similar reasons to you plus its less scary cos I dont feel trapped in a permanent job, its easier to get out of or change if I have a breakdown or get too overwhelmed. Although recruitment agents are terrible for pressuring you into things you dont want to do, did that ever happen to you? 

    I know waht you mean about the social interaction too, its the fact that its all day every day, there isnt a break, its too much. Especially when your trying to meet lots of expectations you dont understand from bosses.

    What you do with your time now sounds lovely, especially the making seashell sculptures and things. I would love to see some  

  • A lot of your experiences sound like mine. I have been bullied at work and fired or made redundant several times. I have had meltdowns or breakdowns because of work my whole life. 

    Ive done many years of agency work too, I think for similar reasons to you plus its less scary cos I dont feel trapped in a permanent job, its easier to get out of or change if I have a breakdown or get too overwhelmed. Although recruitment agents are terrible for pressuring you into things you dont want to do, did that ever happen to you? 

    I know waht you mean about the social interaction too, its the fact that its all day every day, there isnt a break, its too much. Especially when your trying to meet lots of expectations you dont understand from bosses.

    What you do with your time now sounds lovely, especially the making seashell sculptures and things. I would love to see some  

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