Creative work

Does anyone else think that us autistic people are not really suited to the regimented 9-5? Ive always struggled with work but the thing is im not adversed to hard work, I just cant cope with the "norm" of regimented shifts and work hours, plus bosses expectations of me which I never understand and the pressure of constant social interaction all day

For me being a writer from home would be my ideal job. I write a lot, mostly articles but I wonder if I should make a go of writing a novel. I started one about 3 years ago but havnt written in it for a while. I am thinking of writing short stories for magazines too

I wonder if us autistic people are more suited to creative jobs where we can be our own boss. Does anyone else every find this?

  • I can see where you’re coming from entirely with this and I have often wondered about this myself.

    For me, I enjoy routine a lot. I struggle without it to be honest. So that aspect works in my favour, but 5 days a week is a bit of a stretch. I honestly think my productivity drops significantly on the 5th day (as does many peoples). A four day week would be much more preferable- and productive!

    I also struggle with 5 days, as 2 days to switch off isn’t even enough to get into that new mindset of relaxing! By the time I have, I’m back at work!

    But the main worry for me is that if I were to set my own hours and my own schedule, I think I would overthink it and really worry if I didn’t stick to it. I’d fee the pressure of organising myself, as well as completing the work, and therefore effectively be doubling the amounts of things I had to think about. I’d either burn out quicker, or just not manage to work enough. I’d probably put so much time into making ‘the perfect schedule’ that I’d be exhausted by the time I landed on it. Or I’d invest so much that I’d then be worried to deviate, even if it were more effective to do so. That’s just me though, and they are only my thoughts on the matter, as I have no experience in being self-employed or working in a more flexible role. 

  • I also struggle with 5 days, as 2 days to switch off isn’t even enough to get into that new mindset of relaxing! By the time I have, I’m back at work!

    Thats exactly how I feel! Saturday is spent recovering from work and Sunday spent dreading going back

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