Creative work

Does anyone else think that us autistic people are not really suited to the regimented 9-5? Ive always struggled with work but the thing is im not adversed to hard work, I just cant cope with the "norm" of regimented shifts and work hours, plus bosses expectations of me which I never understand and the pressure of constant social interaction all day

For me being a writer from home would be my ideal job. I write a lot, mostly articles but I wonder if I should make a go of writing a novel. I started one about 3 years ago but havnt written in it for a while. I am thinking of writing short stories for magazines too

I wonder if us autistic people are more suited to creative jobs where we can be our own boss. Does anyone else every find this?

  • I write from home for a living.

    I support myself writing articles / blog posts / product descriptions. Usually the client gives me an outline, keywords and location and I write about their services, which are often something mundane like plumbing or dentistry. Then I rewrite it another few times to cover all locations, ensuring each time that the phrasing is unique enough to not be flagged by Google as duplicate content. It's easy and it pays, but it's not very creative.

    I also write short stories for magazines. Pay is about £20-100, often for 20+ hours of work. Less than half the stories I write end up getting published. It's very satisfying but on its own could never pay my bills.

    The less said about my novel the better!

  • Short stories for magazines is something I have considered, how do you get into that?

    Im glad you can support yourself working from home, I know it might not be the most creative thing but I think its great that you have been able to do that 

  • Short stories for magazines is something I have considered, how do you get into that?

    Im glad you can support yourself working from home, I know it might not be the most creative thing but I think its great that you have been able to do that 

  • Thats a good idea. My mom always used to read People's Friend and stuff like that and Ive always thought maybe I could write for them cos Im good at stories. I will buy a copy today

  • Start reading some magazines / online venues that publish short stories. When you find one you enjoy, write something that seems like a good fit and send it in. Most have detailed submissions guidelines on their websites. Expect to get a lot of rejections at first!