Parents/genes/autism causes

I've been making the assumption, possibly incorrectly, that I inherited my autism from my undiagnosed mother.

However, I have just looked at some links and now I'm not sure.

The NHS site says that the causes of autism is unknown:

This link talks of a study showing an 80% risk from inherited genes:

This earlier article says that children may inherit DNA from fathers who are NOT autistic, but I think (if I'm reading correctly) not from mothers.

So, I'm a bit confused and would appreciate any clarification.

1. Could we inherit autism from our mothers?

2.  With regard to your parents, has either of them been diagnosed? 

I believe that some members of the forum are diagnosed and have children diagnosed, so I assume there must be some genetic link.

3. If your parents are/were undiagnosed, has anything led you to believe that one or both of your parents are/were autistic?

Thank you for any input.

  • All humans have the GENES to be lucky enough to be Autistic-Neural-Wired, or genetic code.  But it's not always switched on and this is believed hereditary from either side. 

    I have a neighbour who's working in genetics in the UK and this is the current science. Newer research papers will show this information, but it can take a long time for it to get updated. 

    Autism Speaks is incredibly biased and Privately Owned. If it were discovered anyone could be autistic with the right parents and it's necessary to have a few for any 'tribe' to stay alive, they might lose their organisation status and possibly lose money and people might begin to see Autism like a Personality Trait. WORSE, they'd have to start examining the actual problem, which is a modern unaccountable capitalist corporate-run consumer ruin. If Autistic Traits are necessary for human survival and those traits involve an ability to see through the smoke and mirrors, this is bad for advertising, it's bad for PR, it's potentially lethal for anyone in power.

    One of the overlooked issues is that ADHD and Autism tend to be part of the same hereditary lines. 2 key factors play a role which link these:

    1. Gamma / GABA factors. Gamma waves are responsible for full-brain thinking, making hyper-connexions & seemingly invisible ones faster than others can spot them. GABA act like little 'resistors', keeping them from spiralling out of control. This is part of Monotropism. There is a great deal of things involved in this, but this is a quick summary.

    2. A difference in the Salience Network, and thus the ability to see things as 'Too Real' or intaking signals all at once and experiencing sensory overload. When well-trained this can work to our favour, as one can be taught to identify extremely detailed nuance, such as the difference between a toxic chemically designed scent and one which is a natural extract. Or sound frequencies. 

    Where these differ can be a matter of enjoying or not enjoying the mental chaos. Autistics prefer order and one thing at a time to maintain some sense of calm. ADHD seem wired for high energy multi-everything. There are some interesting studies showing that ADHD individuals appreciate Reds and Oranges while Autistic individuals seem attracted to Blues and Greens. This... I find interesting. 

  • All humans have the GENES to be lucky enough to be Autistic-Neural-Wired, or genetic code.  But it's not always switched on and this is believed hereditary from either side. 

    I have a neighbour who's working in genetics in the UK and this is the current science. Newer research papers will show this information, but it can take a long time for it to get updated. 

    Autism Speaks is incredibly biased and Privately Owned. If it were discovered anyone could be autistic with the right parents and it's necessary to have a few for any 'tribe' to stay alive, they might lose their organisation status and possibly lose money and people might begin to see Autism like a Personality Trait. WORSE, they'd have to start examining the actual problem, which is a modern unaccountable capitalist corporate-run consumer ruin. If Autistic Traits are necessary for human survival and those traits involve an ability to see through the smoke and mirrors, this is bad for advertising, it's bad for PR, it's potentially lethal for anyone in power.

    One of the overlooked issues is that ADHD and Autism tend to be part of the same hereditary lines. 2 key factors play a role which link these:

    1. Gamma / GABA factors. Gamma waves are responsible for full-brain thinking, making hyper-connexions & seemingly invisible ones faster than others can spot them. GABA act like little 'resistors', keeping them from spiralling out of control. This is part of Monotropism. There is a great deal of things involved in this, but this is a quick summary.

    2. A difference in the Salience Network, and thus the ability to see things as 'Too Real' or intaking signals all at once and experiencing sensory overload. When well-trained this can work to our favour, as one can be taught to identify extremely detailed nuance, such as the difference between a toxic chemically designed scent and one which is a natural extract. Or sound frequencies. 

    Where these differ can be a matter of enjoying or not enjoying the mental chaos. Autistics prefer order and one thing at a time to maintain some sense of calm. ADHD seem wired for high energy multi-everything. There are some interesting studies showing that ADHD individuals appreciate Reds and Oranges while Autistic individuals seem attracted to Blues and Greens. This... I find interesting. 

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