Covid 19 symtoms driving me mad

I have been ill for the last 2 days with a fever and aches and pains. The thing is there is only one time I have felt like this in my whole life and that was when I had Covid. I feel like there is an anvil resting on my chest which I only ever felt when I had covid and worst of all the "brain fog" is back, where my head completely stops being able to process my own thoughts and I have periods where im not sure where I am and I get confused and start thinking all sorts of upsetting things. This again only ever happened in this way when I had covid, it was like nothing I have ever expereinced before and so Im pretty sure I can recognise it when it happens again

and yet I am testing negative for covid. Its really destressing me cos I feel sure Ive got it yet Im being told by the tests I havnt. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

  • Turns out I have Hand, foot and mouth. Had never really heard of it before but my little boy got it the other day so I think i may have caught it off him. Got lots of itchy spots all over my hands today and still feel like crap

  • Wow, interesting! I mean - I'm sorry to hear that. But so fascinating that your body responded to this presumably totally different virus in a similar way to it responded to the covid one.

    (I would have deleted my initial response and started with the sympathy in any other forum, but I think here we can relate to how our first reaction is the interest in the facts and then followed by the learned (but genuine) expression of sympathy!)

  • Yes I quite liked your initial response. Its nice we can be ourselves like that here. Yes its very odd, even the brain fog and paranoid thoughts that I experienced during covid has resurfaced.

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  • Indeed, i am starting to really appreciate a place I don't have to pretend to be close to normal! (I say close because I never even aimed for actual normal... always gravitate to the people for whom normal is not a goal! But still feeling some societal norms are needed, though we can have our own versions of those.)

    The immune system and body/brain response is a complex and fascinating thing. Not enough lifespan to study all the things in enough depth to do them justice!

    Hopefully it is helping distract you from the unpleasantness of the symptoms to analyse them somewhat?