School reports - how were yours?

I'm just watching this Yo Samdy Sam video and already noticing (in spite of her posh, private school education - privilege alert!) that many of the teachers' observations are almost exaclty the same as on my own.  Almost eerily, in fact, although I went to a very rough comprehensive in the North East of England.  My reports were, on the face of it, rather good, but there are some little asides which indicate constant high levels of anxiety combined with my supposed "giftedness" (I was actually terrified into appearing "gifted", I now think).  When I look back, I'm getting more of a feeling of, "My goodness - what did they do to me?" 

Very interesting, I think, And I'll probably reflect some more on this as I watch the rest.  My "giftedness" didn't exactly carry over into most of the workplaces I got myself trapped in and I then experienced decades of anxiety and fairly poor mental health.  

So...  and if you care to share, how was it for you?

  • Apologies if this is going a little off-topic... There was a Maths teacher at my secondary school who was (to put it politely) a bit of a character. To this day, I am convinced that he thought he was teaching a class full of university students. Toward the end of the 2nd year, there had been an exam. Not one person in the class scored higher than 30%. As his reaction was to scream at us that we should have been paying more attention, I think one can safely assume that it hadn't occurred to him to consider that maybe he needed to adapt the way he taught Maths.

  • Maths teachers and short tempers seem to go together in my mind. Or maybe those are the only ones I ever experienced or heard about and most are lovely. 

  • Maths teachers and short tempers seem to go together in my mind.

    Agreed! Or your maths teacher went to my school lol.

    Maths teachers always seem to be in a bad mood and take it out on the rest of the class. I remember literally everyone in my class hated maths because we all had Mr Daniels and he was bad tempered and well known to make people stand on the spot and fail to answer his maths questions. He did that to me at least four times.

  • Maths teachers and short tempers seem to go together in my mind.

    Agreed! Or your maths teacher went to my school lol.

    Maths teachers always seem to be in a bad mood and take it out on the rest of the class. I remember literally everyone in my class hated maths because we all had Mr Daniels and he was bad tempered and well known to make people stand on the spot and fail to answer his maths questions. He did that to me at least four times.
