School reports - how were yours?

I'm just watching this Yo Samdy Sam video and already noticing (in spite of her posh, private school education - privilege alert!) that many of the teachers' observations are almost exaclty the same as on my own.  Almost eerily, in fact, although I went to a very rough comprehensive in the North East of England.  My reports were, on the face of it, rather good, but there are some little asides which indicate constant high levels of anxiety combined with my supposed "giftedness" (I was actually terrified into appearing "gifted", I now think).  When I look back, I'm getting more of a feeling of, "My goodness - what did they do to me?" 

Very interesting, I think, And I'll probably reflect some more on this as I watch the rest.  My "giftedness" didn't exactly carry over into most of the workplaces I got myself trapped in and I then experienced decades of anxiety and fairly poor mental health.  

So...  and if you care to share, how was it for you?

  • One more rant about something that probably applied to most of us, and may apply to our kids.

    Physical education, at least in Australia, doesn't seem very modern, and it sounds like the UK may not have advanced much in this area either.  I would have thought that PE teachers would be trained to meet the needs of a range of children and that their skills would encompass a bit of physiotherapy, proprioception etc (I may not know all the technical terms) and they would have ideas for  fun activities for kids who are either reluctant or physically challenged in some way or both.  Well surely they are trained, but perhaps when it comes to the real life situation they don't do it. 

    It's just such a missed opportunity - because physical fitness can help a lot with self-esteem, anxiety and autism as well obviously it would help with many conditions.  I would have been quite happy to be in a separate stream for PE - like a fun fitness kind of thing as opposed to competitive sport.  Though it's not compulsory beyond year 9 now over here, something my eldest is happy about.

    PS: I just realised I should have watched the video!  Will watch later Slight smile

  • What video?

    I would have much preferred to be in a special stream for PE and not have to do competitive sport! There was an outdoor activities thing in my school but I never ever heard of how one got into that. If I had my time over again i think I'd try and find out if it was something one could have done as an alternative. Really fun stuff like canoeing and rock climbing instead of horrific hockey!

  • Canoeing and rock glimbing sound great!  Horrific hockey, yeah, not so much so...  Put it into room 101 with all its friends, I say!

    I think the video is the Yo Samdy Sam one I kicked off with and she mentions a lot of the same things.  

  • Ah, yes.  This thread has taken off.  It's almost as if we have a lot to get off our chests! 

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