School reports - how were yours?

I'm just watching this Yo Samdy Sam video and already noticing (in spite of her posh, private school education - privilege alert!) that many of the teachers' observations are almost exaclty the same as on my own.  Almost eerily, in fact, although I went to a very rough comprehensive in the North East of England.  My reports were, on the face of it, rather good, but there are some little asides which indicate constant high levels of anxiety combined with my supposed "giftedness" (I was actually terrified into appearing "gifted", I now think).  When I look back, I'm getting more of a feeling of, "My goodness - what did they do to me?" 

Very interesting, I think, And I'll probably reflect some more on this as I watch the rest.  My "giftedness" didn't exactly carry over into most of the workplaces I got myself trapped in and I then experienced decades of anxiety and fairly poor mental health.  

So...  and if you care to share, how was it for you?

  • My primary school ones weren’t too bad. I was described as quiet, reserved, doesn’t participate in group discussions; likes the company of one or two friends etc. Also, ‘excellent’ at English and creative writing but struggles in other areas.

    However, things went downhill in secondary school. I was described as ‘troubled’. One teacher even wrote – **** constantly looks ‘morose’ – when he should be enjoying life at his age.

    I don’t think I learned a single thing in secondary school. The teachers showed zero interest and deemed me a dumbass as I couldn’t concentrate or participate in class. I just rebelled, smoked pot and thumped anyone who tried picking on me.

    I had one English teacher who encouraged my creative writing, but back then I couldn’t see where it would take me. I left with one GCSE and spent years in jobs I hated.

    Anyway, at the age of 37, I took up writing again and earned a degree in English language and creative writing. I should have just skipped secondary school. Primary school was much more productive!

  • Primary school was lovely for me too.  Then everyone changed in high school and I didn't have a clue what was going on.  

    I also love writing!  

Reply Children
  • @Helen   

    Awesome, good luck with that! I recently wrote an infant school scene. It was when my teacher brought an ear trumpet to school as a joke. She claimed I was deaf and used to speak to me through it, much to the amusement of everyone else. Not sure I saw the funny side!

  • Yes Former Member Including writing a scene about high school!

  • @Helen 

    Sorry to hear you had the same experience in secondary school. Primary school definitely allowed for more creative freedom. They sucked it out of me in secondary school. Writing’s great therapy isn’t it!

  • For me too there was a sudden switch between primary and secondary school and it became very hard to cope.  The secondary school was very rough too, as well as confusing with the constant moving between rooms and teachers, dragging bags around and getting hurried, jossled and sometimes bullied along the way.  

    I did get reports stating that, "this child is good at art and creative writing" at primary school and, although this continued throughout my education, I later struggled to find a niche with those talents.  Maybe I can still pick up my art, I suppose. 

    Glad you still retain your love of writing!  I think it can be a great source of joy and meaning in life.