School reports - how were yours?

I'm just watching this Yo Samdy Sam video and already noticing (in spite of her posh, private school education - privilege alert!) that many of the teachers' observations are almost exaclty the same as on my own.  Almost eerily, in fact, although I went to a very rough comprehensive in the North East of England.  My reports were, on the face of it, rather good, but there are some little asides which indicate constant high levels of anxiety combined with my supposed "giftedness" (I was actually terrified into appearing "gifted", I now think).  When I look back, I'm getting more of a feeling of, "My goodness - what did they do to me?" 

Very interesting, I think, And I'll probably reflect some more on this as I watch the rest.  My "giftedness" didn't exactly carry over into most of the workplaces I got myself trapped in and I then experienced decades of anxiety and fairly poor mental health.  

So...  and if you care to share, how was it for you?

  • i went to a public school.... they hated me so gave me bad results in everything and always made me out to be a bad student.

    when infact in primary school i was top of my classes and got top marks, which at first due to high grades gave me top positions starting in high school.... then high school is where the issues started as the teachers in high school they were douchebags and did their grading and job based on who they like rather than the ability of the student so they didnt like me right away and near enough right away they force pushed me down from the top classes that my high primary school grades earned me and shoved me in the lower grade classes full of the bullies and deranged scum bags that made it impossible to learn anything because they kept disrupting the class and rioting and the teachers couldnt do anything and were the lower quality teachers in those classes who didnt care anyway.

    so based on popularity contest i was robbed out of my high school potential and pushed into what i can only describe as the worst place for me to be in with the most danger to me from the scum students. caused my school life hell and i couldnt do anything because all the other students were destroying the entire class so then everyone got made to look bad and stupid there collectively all because of the scum that always wanted to riot and cause trouble. in the end i just started skipping school and jumping the fence and hanging out in bushes and trees all day until school time was over and i could go home and pretend i had been there all day.

    but yeah i dont trust schools grades or teachers to this day... infact i viewed the teachers as less intelligent than me and their positioning of me based on their own head popularity contests just made me view all of society as inferior and a idiocracy that promotes based on idiot ideas of personal feelings and not by merit.... most of the students there i looked down on as most of them couldnt even read or write to any basic ability and i was clearly above every single one of them by a long shot and yet they all got given better grades than me. school was bad, and grades are a scam that do not indicate any true intelligence but is based on some petty teacher opinion but yet the teachers are stupid themselves.

    after school i pretty much gave up everything, but i was forced to do a english and maths test thing, of which my maths i am naturally bad at but can often fluke and be of high quality by chance at for some reason despite hating maths and naturally being bad at it, by bad i say my maths is possibly a grade C level if i were to judge, its probably average but i call it bad and not sufficient enough.... my english was proven to be at a higher level than the high school could ever have imagined and i was told i could easily earn myself a diploma in english with very little effort at my level. my ability to learn was also proven higher as i learned how to swim when i couldnt swim at all, and that took me 1 single lesson and i mastered swimming entirely, where as the school system had a swimming course that couldnt ever teach me.

    all in all the public school system is shockingly bad and i dont trust it at all now and i consider any public school grades to be fake and a scam and dont trust them at all. it also makes me slightly mad at the teachers in the teaching system for how corrupt and petty and full of hatred they are in their judgment and placing of kids based on which one they personally like more rather than ability...

  • This sounds just appalling.  Lots of similarities to my own experiences, especially the constant sense of danger and the ruination of any feelings of trust in the system.  And yes, so much seemed to be based on favouritism and bullying, which actually came from both pupils and teachers, although in different forms. 

    So sorry you went through this too. 

  • This sounds just appalling.  Lots of similarities to my own experiences, especially the constant sense of danger and the ruination of any feelings of trust in the system.  And yes, so much seemed to be based on favouritism and bullying, which actually came from both pupils and teachers, although in different forms. 

    So sorry you went through this too. 

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