Better for you now or in the past?

I've borrowed this question from something intimated in another thread.

Do you think life has improved for you as you have grown older?

Is it because society has changed or you/your life have changed or a combination?

There was a comparison in another thread with 1980.

I realise some of the readers here won't even have been born then!

I could write a long list of ways in which my life has improved since 1980, both on a personal level and on a 'society' level.

Where 'society' is concerned, the invention of the internet has made me much less isolated, much more knowledgeable, much more in control of my health and not at the mercy of the NHS.

I wouldn't know about my autism and many other things without it.

Also, mobile phones/texting and email mean that I no longer have to make phone calls (including from phone boxes!).

I could go on but I might even bore myself.

There is really very little I miss about 1980, except perhaps a quieter pace of life in general.

It's an interesting question and we all have a past, no matter how far back it goes.

How is it for you.

Better or worse?

  • I was definitely happier in the 80’s. Ignoring the struggles I had that I now know were due to autism, I was young and didn’t really have an understanding of the world. Adulthood is s&*%. It’s gotten progressively worse for me as the years have gone on and I’m tired. I don’t enjoy life at all, I find it too busy and demanding, people seem a lot more selfish and uncaring. Yes the internet is great and I spend a great deal of time on it, learning, reading, understanding questions I have throughout the day. But I’m not sure it has changed anything for the better, or people and society at least. 

  • I think that's one good thing about the internet....we can indulge in learning and reading about topics which interest us. And there's a wealth of resources out there.

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