Better for you now or in the past?

I've borrowed this question from something intimated in another thread.

Do you think life has improved for you as you have grown older?

Is it because society has changed or you/your life have changed or a combination?

There was a comparison in another thread with 1980.

I realise some of the readers here won't even have been born then!

I could write a long list of ways in which my life has improved since 1980, both on a personal level and on a 'society' level.

Where 'society' is concerned, the invention of the internet has made me much less isolated, much more knowledgeable, much more in control of my health and not at the mercy of the NHS.

I wouldn't know about my autism and many other things without it.

Also, mobile phones/texting and email mean that I no longer have to make phone calls (including from phone boxes!).

I could go on but I might even bore myself.

There is really very little I miss about 1980, except perhaps a quieter pace of life in general.

It's an interesting question and we all have a past, no matter how far back it goes.

How is it for you.

Better or worse?

  • The whole notion of celebrity and engaging with that,  i find baffling.

    Yes.  I also find baffling that some young women seem to be happy to have returned to an archaic state of womanhood ie only interested in fitting into an ostensibly male ideal of what a woman should look and act like and only really concerned with their appearance.

    Whether they are happy to be like this, or are just feeling pressurised by society to be 'perfect' I don't know.

    I should think nowadays that a huge amount is spent on the beauty industry.

    I think the main one is that we're are losing touch with our natural world in such a big way...this has been the case for a very long time though.

    Yes.  This is heartbreaking.

  • I wonder if all this celebrity botox plastic surgery stuff is a step towards AI without us knowing it. Looking more like robots and engaging on instagram till no one can tell the difference. Each to their own I suppose!

  • I once worked in a 'Schedule 5' lab containing - in a locked fridge - enough botox to kill the population of a small town. Luckily, I never had to handle it myself!

  • No food or drink in any lab, but especially in a Schedule 5 lab. You are monitored on CC TV all the time you are working, you also have to phone an external monitor when you start work and just before you leave the lab. I was working on a tropical disease causing pathogen and our fridges, freezers and incubators were also locked. To get in, there was an electronically controlled door, operated by a keypad, which was an alarmed, then a key safe also with a code, once you had the key you could enter, but the keys to the incubators etc. were in another key safe!

  • I imagine it was very diluted

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