RAADS-R Diagnostic Scale

I've finally got my report from my NHS assessment.

It's shorter than I expected.  Just a 2 page letter.

However, it does contain my score which was 175 (above the diagnostic threshold of 65).

I found this site which explains the score and gives some averages (+ a link to take the test).


So, I was a little above the average for an autistic female.

If anyone would like to share their scores, it would be interesting.

A quote below from my letter:

'completed the RAADS-R: the RITVO Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale
revised: this 80-item diagnostic interview consists of questions designed for individuals with average
IQ and above. This is a population with mild or subclinical ASD and these individuals often escape
diagnosis. The RAADS-R was specifically designed to capture that population. Any score of 65 or
above indicates a high likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder, provided the clinical presentation is
convergent with this diagnosis'

  • I find myself miserable and scared after attempting a 'faces' test. For instance, I couldn't detect what was wrong with *any* of these three faces. I can't even be sure if the fault is mine:

    'Q. Can you tell at a glance what is wrong with two of the three faces below (answer below)':

    ('The face on the left has closer-set eyes and the face on the right has a raised mouth. The middle face is unaltered')

  • In my opinion, all three faces are perfectly reasonable and "normal.". I can see that one could be readily described as having a higher mouth, but the eyes difference between the other two faces is pretty indistinguishable.

    There was another thread a few months back with understanding the emotions of faces.....can someone clever find the link?

  • Was it the one with just eyes? I kept that link as I emailed it to my Dad and my friend.


    My Dad scored OK but took an autistic amount of time to do it, my friend has not got round to it yet. I could not do them all! I did the ones I could, found I had already taken an autistic amount of time, didn't even get all those right and didn't do half of them! That was my moment of absolute certainty on my self diagnosis,

    I am boggled that most people can just look at those eyes and get the emotion right most of the time! To me most of them just looked like eyes with no particular emotion, just eyes. Scary! The thought that most humans have this secret way of communicating that I was totally unaware even existed, and can't understand. And what am I inadvertently saying with my eyes?!

    My husband also took a long time and got most of them wrong. I am starting to wonder if he is autistic too but he is resisting the idea.

  • i got 1 to 5 fairly easily, even if it took some time to commit to a choice. and thought ... how is this happening?

    got to 6 and got maybe two or three more.

  • This one irritated me when I arrived to the 20th picture. The hell I should figure this out! It took me 7 minutes but I got the best result an autistic person is "expected" to get. Only the 2 or 3 ones I could get intuitively and the rest, well. I had to guess from the eyes if the person is smiling, if yes then eliminate the negative feelings and then watch the eyebrows and the angle they are looking from as if is it a direct eye contact or not, and how wide they opened those eyes then based on that choose one option. Ugh it was tiring and irritating!!

  • Thanks Triker....that is the one I had meant.  I would have sworn they were faces, not just the eyes.  There is a good chance that I am not only autistic, but also plain old-fashioned stupid too!

  • Oh my goodness, I've just had a go at this eyes one and it was really hard! Most of the ones I got right were ones I figured out by a process of elimination (e.g. no frowny eyebrows = not angry) and there were quite a few I couldn't answer at all. I've been having doubts about whether my recent assessment would result in diagnosis, but when I do things like this I don't know why I doubt myself at all! It's truly astonishing how much communication I've been missing this whole time.

  • Oh my goodness, I've just had a go at this eyes one and it was really hard! Most of the ones I got right were ones I figured out by a process of elimination (e.g. no frowny eyebrows = not angry) and there were quite a few I couldn't answer at all. I've been having doubts about whether my recent assessment would result in diagnosis, but when I do things like this I don't know why I doubt myself at all! It's truly astonishing how much communication I've been missing this whole time.

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