Benefits + support for Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Hi. I have only been looking at what is available in England but really, if you are able to function in the home and have worked in the past, I think that the financial support ie benefits + any other type of support = 0

I've read again and again on these forums about the lack of any support for people who are 'functional'.

I gave up work because of stress but I am lucky because my circumstances changed to allow me to.

However, many autistic adults still have to try to function in a working environment no matter how stressful.

It really is the 'hidden disability'.

Does anyone know anything different?


  • Well I doubt any high functioning autistic person could claim pip uless they had other issues as well. lets run though the criteria.

    1 – Preparing food

    Can the person make pancakes or beans on toast. Not necessarily do they but could they if they were shown how. Would they be safe left with the contents of a fridge, knife draw and cooker. Could they crack an egg, pour in some flour and milk, mix it then tip it in a frying pan without cutting or burning themselves? would what came out be safe to eat? then they score 0 points.

    2 – Taking nutrition

    Can the person eat a meal with out being prompted or supervised. If they're left unattended but provided with suitable food will they eat at least once a day with out assistance? if so 0 points.

    3 – Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition

    Can the person take pills / injections when they're doctor says they should. Do things like monitor their blood sugar, use an oxygen mask. Can they do it safely on their own without help? 0 points.

    4 – Washing and bathing

    Can the person use ordinary unadapted baths and showers to wash without special tools? Do they have the cognative capacity to remember bathing they should do and the energy to do it?

    5 – Managing toilet needs or incontinence

    Assuming they're not incontinent. Can the person take a pee, sit on the toilet, take a dump, wipe their bum and stand up, without help or special tools? 0 points.

    6 – Dressing and undressing

    Can the person take off and put on clothing normaly with out help or special adapted clothing? 0 points

    7 – Communicating verbally

    A non verbal autistic person is probably going to score 12 points here. a verbal autistic person of normal intelligence is likely to score 0. because the intermediate gradings only discuss the ability to form simple or complex sentences aided or unaided not the ability to make those sentences socially appropriate.

    8 – Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words

    Can the person read and understand a book (even if they need glasses), even if the book has big words in? 0 points.

    9 – Engaging with other people face to face

    Theoretically an autistic person could score an maximum of 8 points here if they either can't interact with most people at all with out having a panic attack or their behaviour is so eratic that others are actually afraid of them. However if they are confident to go out an ineract with people with out help, even if they keep causing others offence it's more likely to be 0 points.

    10 – Making budgeting decisions

    Can the person keep track of their bills? Do they know what they have left over to spend and how long it needs to last. 0 points. 

    So realistically high functioning autism alone can get you 20 points if you're non verbal and are likely to have a panic attack every time some one talks to you but more likely you'll get 0 points if you're verbal and just horribly awkward or bad at social situations. The threshold for basic support is 8 points and 12 for enhanced support. So autistic people who are 100% non verbal are likely to get enhanced support off the bat. Verbal autistic people with social anxiety so bad they have panic attacks when people talk to them, or social skills so bad other literally fear them most of the time may get basic support. Everyone else can go whistle they get nothing.

    That's my interpretation of these guidelines. Really PIP is a joke when it comes to autistic people. It's deliberately designed with physical disabilities in mind. About the only way qualify with a mental condition that doesn't effect intelligence is to be so depresed you need help with managing most of your life including taking the antidepresents.

  • I just get standard rate daily living, which I was able to maintain through being cute enough on the phone assessment last November. 

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