Universal Credit

So we got an email with how much UC we getting this month and it's not even enough to pay our rent and bills, let alone money for food and living off!

Basically they have counted my last months salarly from the job I left due to my breakdown against this months payments even though it was last month not this month so we have nothing

Gonna have to use up what's left of our savings just to feed ourselves this month

Plus we have a new baby due in 2 weeks!

And I cant call UC to ask for help or an explanation today cos it's closed the helpline for the Queen's funeral!

  • With universal credit you have to know the financial rules inside out.  You need to keep track of the dates they use to calculate your earnings to know how much they will pay in any particular month so the amount they pay (if any) will not be an unpleasant surprise.

  • With universal credit you have to know the financial rules inside out.  You need to keep track of the dates they use to calculate your earnings to know how much they will pay in any particular month so the amount they pay (if any) will not be an unpleasant surprise.

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