Dealing with Chavs - Deterrents/Punishments needed.

After several years of repeated harrassment from chavs including three physical assaults that the police have refused to properly investigate to imprison the perpetrators, I am at my wits end in finding a solution. How do we get police to properly treat the crimes the chavs commit against disabled people as actual crimes worth investigations that see through to the end and imprison or otherwise punish chavs to create a effective deterrent to further crimes?

Sadly it seems that after Owen Jones published his ablest scrawl "Chavs", no one dares to make chavs account for their crimes.

(For those not in the know: Chavs are uncouth, low-class-acting people, the worse of which are responsible for the deaths and murders of Fiona Pilkington, Sophie Lancaster, Christine Lakinski, Gemma Hayter, Steven Simpson and many, many other disabled/minority people. They usually hang around in large gangs, on the look out for opportunistic crimes to commit, wearing tracksuits no matter the weather or what activity they're doing. They are often drunk and use illegal drugs.)

  • By "high chavs" I guess you mean Freemasons. In principle the masons should just function as a benevolent if overly paternalistic body raising funds for good purposes and supporting a stable society.

    The sad reality is many lodges have just become mafia like and corrupt, meddling far beyond their original definitions. And there is no getting round the fact that senior figures including local and national government civil servants and the police are well wrapped up in this.

    Whether I'd call them "high chavs" well not really - they are people with a muddled sense of morality and accountability and more money than sense.

    The big danger here is amorphing all the decision makers in society into one evil, whether you call them "high chavs" or masons - which fortunately is not true, even if it feels like it. Nor is it right to lump a lot of people who might be loosely chav-like into some evil mass called Chavs, as if they have a membership, terms of reference, and monthly meetings (and even a funny handshake).

    The really important issue here is that a lot of disabled people, including people on the autistic spectrum and people with learning disabilities, and people who are partially sighted, are being treated by an element of society as targets for abuse.

    That is something that needs sorting. But don't blame it on "Chavs" unless you know for certain that it is that specific sub-culture. The perpetrators are people; they were probably the bullies at school or their hangers on, and they've been part of society since the beginning of time. And society has always been pretty useless at controlling them.

    But yes, get your local councillor involved, and check whether there is a local NAS group or Parents Group that has regular meetings with the police.

    And report every incident through the hate crimes unit, however frustrating this may be, because only by getting all incidents logged can the authorities properly identify and restrain those doing the abuse. If you ask police when reporting incidents to refer it to hate crimes they have to comply.

    Boring I know - but only when the hard evidence stacks up can this be realistically tackled.

    But avoid labelling your assailants unless you know for sure they belong to one sub culture. The police just view this as rivalry and may well not take you seriously.

  • By "high chavs" I guess you mean Freemasons. In principle the masons should just function as a benevolent if overly paternalistic body raising funds for good purposes and supporting a stable society.

    The sad reality is many lodges have just become mafia like and corrupt, meddling far beyond their original definitions. And there is no getting round the fact that senior figures including local and national government civil servants and the police are well wrapped up in this.

    Whether I'd call them "high chavs" well not really - they are people with a muddled sense of morality and accountability and more money than sense.

    The big danger here is amorphing all the decision makers in society into one evil, whether you call them "high chavs" or masons - which fortunately is not true, even if it feels like it. Nor is it right to lump a lot of people who might be loosely chav-like into some evil mass called Chavs, as if they have a membership, terms of reference, and monthly meetings (and even a funny handshake).

    The really important issue here is that a lot of disabled people, including people on the autistic spectrum and people with learning disabilities, and people who are partially sighted, are being treated by an element of society as targets for abuse.

    That is something that needs sorting. But don't blame it on "Chavs" unless you know for certain that it is that specific sub-culture. The perpetrators are people; they were probably the bullies at school or their hangers on, and they've been part of society since the beginning of time. And society has always been pretty useless at controlling them.

    But yes, get your local councillor involved, and check whether there is a local NAS group or Parents Group that has regular meetings with the police.

    And report every incident through the hate crimes unit, however frustrating this may be, because only by getting all incidents logged can the authorities properly identify and restrain those doing the abuse. If you ask police when reporting incidents to refer it to hate crimes they have to comply.

    Boring I know - but only when the hard evidence stacks up can this be realistically tackled.

    But avoid labelling your assailants unless you know for sure they belong to one sub culture. The police just view this as rivalry and may well not take you seriously.

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