What are peoples 'special' interests?

Im curious to know what other peoples interests/hobbys are.  Recently I have been studying/growing mushrooms/mycology.  

Before that, it was keeping/breeding tarantulas and invertebrates.  I also have a vast knowledge of insectivorous plants.  As a kid, i practically knew every football player who played in each team.  Was obcessed.  Not so much now.  

So, what is everyone else like to study or spend time one?

  • Almost anything if it's weird enough

    1. anime / manga
    2. science (almost every kind, weirder the better)
    3. science fiction (especially some of the quirkier retro stuff)
    4. law / politics (but only the controversial / ethically difficult stuff) 
    5. quirky Korean / east asian tv dramas.
    6. Ancient history
    7. video games (especially old ones and under appreciated genres (RTS, visual novel, photorealistic adventure, flight sim, puzzles, detective / mystery games, RPGs (dialogue driven)))
    8. sociology / anthropology but only the really weird / taboo stuff, trans humanism and biohacking for instance.
    9. Lost media and how standards change over time.
    10. cosplay (I don't do it much but I'd like to)
  • Read into advanced civillilisations, very interested in conciousness transfer.  Must be a thing in our future?

  • I'm dubious. Even if you could transfer memories (big if) I'm not convinced that would equate to transferring personality.

  • I'm also dubious, but definitely open to the possibility.  There is some pretty interesting stuff to be read out there and science continues its march into the unknown!

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