Loperamide - "has the potential to treat the core 'social symptoms' of ASD"

Don't you just love the news these days?

I have just read, with some considerable bemusement, that this particular anti-diarrhoea medication MIGHT "counteract biological processes underlying ASD" by binding to our μ-opioid receptors - you know, the ones normally affected by heroin, morphine and other opioid drugs.  This is news worthy because it MIGHT impact our "core symptom" of "social communication deficits."  Who knew!?!   I wonder if it will stop us getting the sh**s too?

So it is probably very simple after all everybody - although "further work" will be required to test this hypothesis! [gosh, I love how they keep it balanced.]

I just thought I would lob this red meat into the arena at stupid-o-clock in the morning to give me time to beat a hasty retreat before the lions wake up.  I was never here!!

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