Loperamide - "has the potential to treat the core 'social symptoms' of ASD"

Don't you just love the news these days?

I have just read, with some considerable bemusement, that this particular anti-diarrhoea medication MIGHT "counteract biological processes underlying ASD" by binding to our μ-opioid receptors - you know, the ones normally affected by heroin, morphine and other opioid drugs.  This is news worthy because it MIGHT impact our "core symptom" of "social communication deficits."  Who knew!?!   I wonder if it will stop us getting the sh**s too?

So it is probably very simple after all everybody - although "further work" will be required to test this hypothesis! [gosh, I love how they keep it balanced.]

I just thought I would lob this red meat into the arena at stupid-o-clock in the morning to give me time to beat a hasty retreat before the lions wake up.  I was never here!!

  • As far as the gut health goes, I have IBS. Alot of other autistic people I know seem to have it too. I wonder if it is because of the stress of dealing with a neurotypical world every day is what causes it? 
    I know mine is caused by stress and came on in my 20s once I started working and dealing with the adult world more so its possible other peoples are caused by stress as well. 

    Not sure if that made sense but is an interesting possibility?

    Also makes me think these scientists have very much mixed up cause and effect 

  • I think so. In common with a lot of NT people, my IBS started following a sever stomach bug. These things can leave you with a super sensitized bowel. We're probably just more prone to it because our sensory systems can be hyper anyway. There after, yep! Stress aggravates it no end and we have a lot of that.

    But I really don't think the daily state of my bathroom needs makes me any more or less autistic that day, whether I've taken immodium or not. How silly.

  • I think so. In common with a lot of NT people, my IBS started following a sever stomach bug. These things can leave you with a super sensitized bowel. We're probably just more prone to it because our sensory systems can be hyper anyway. There after, yep! Stress aggravates it no end and we have a lot of that.

    But I really don't think the daily state of my bathroom needs makes me any more or less autistic that day, whether I've taken immodium or not. How silly.

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