Advice for moving to university?

Hi, I wondered if anybody had any advice for the transition to university? I will be moving to the middle of a busy city into university accommodation. 

My main worries include: living in a new place, not having my family to help me in meltdowns, dealing with the change, getting ill away from home, and making friends.

I am feeling like it’s impossible at the moment so any encouragement or tips would be really helpful

  • Routine! I am in my 3rd year of university now and honestly, its been a struggle! But that’s because I didn’t know about my autism until toward the end of second year- once I did, it was so much easier. You may have a hard time adapting (and this includes the times when you return home too- summer and Christmas holidays take some getting used to!) but once you’re, in, you’re in. just be sure to honour your needs. Not everyone needs to know about your autism but it is useful to have a couple of friends, the people you live with and a mentor or staff member who can be understanding and there to help. You might get there and find it’s just not for you or you could absolutely flourish in your own space! Do what makes you happy and remember that it’s not the be all and end all- you can drop out, take a break or even a gap year whenever you need to! :) <3

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