
Those with sensory issues surrounding sound, do you also have very good hearing? Sound is a huge problem for me regarding distraction. I just came out into the garden for a smoke and they’re having a party a few doors down which was winding me up, but I was trying really hard to ignore that and kept trying to make myself carry on with my online search of something (not very successfully). But while all this was going on I noticed this annoying noise on the fence next to me, not particularly loud, and I was struggling to work out what it was. I tried pushing the fence to see if it was the breeze, moved the plant to see if that was brushing against the fence, nope. What it was, was a wasp, collecting wood from the fence for its nest I presume. In the past I’ve also heard a wood louse giving birth in my outhouse when it was quiet and hunted down the noise. And probably a little louder, but the bubbles inside a can of opened Coke drive me mad too. 

  • i do have good hearing for my age, 32 and can still hear the cat alarms and high pitchs that your supposed to become deaf to in your late teens. 

    i could hear bees and wasps alot, but i think that was more because of how i got swarmed by a cloud of bees one time and it made me hyper alert to them to the point i perhaps just thought i heard them everywhere when i maybe didnt... i thought i heard them in my walls at one point and texted my dad about it in panic telling him i think theres wasps or a wasp next in my bedroom walls lol looking back that was a bit irrational and panicky of me, never found out whether there was or not but i live in a attic room so there was a chance there could have been a wasp next somewhere, or maybe i just imagined it.

  • I was chased by a swarm of bees once too on a dog walk, one of my dogs was getting stung and the bees where all over him, it was pretty scary. I then had a house I had to go in every day for a job, they had a wasp nest above their front door, I was on the verge of a panic attack every single time I had to go there. 

  • I was chased by a swarm of bees once too on a dog walk, one of my dogs was getting stung and the bees where all over him, it was pretty scary. I then had a house I had to go in every day for a job, they had a wasp nest above their front door, I was on the verge of a panic attack every single time I had to go there. 

  • i didnt run from the bees myself, my sister and her friend ran through them and disappeared so i didnt know what to do and just stood with the cloud of them all around me buzzing, was like a thick fog of bees, couldnt see much around as there was loads of them around me, could feel them stinging all over and trying to pat myself down to get rid of them while still not wanting to go wondering where my sister went, could hear them scream in the distance though lol think i mainly froze in place as wasnt sure whether to run backwards away which would have been the smartest move in hindsight, or run through them the direction the others went. so when people speak of the bees going extinct and drum it up as being bad for the world, i dont really care, they can go extinct, they are a pest lol