I was really rude this morning

I was walking down a road earlier and heard "Good morning". I turned my head and it was a man coming out of his house to his car. I said 'good morning' back and he tried to start a conversation, but I kept walking. That was really rude of me, but I just didn't want to talk. He gave me an awkward thumbs up. 

I went to the shops and bought some spicy chicken wings. I put them on the conveyor belt. The guy in front of me in the queue looked at my wings and said, "They look tasty". I just said, "yeah..". and gave hima smile. That was rude. He looked away. I'm not one for banter. I was in Superdrugs getting my perscription the other day and a woman was talking loudly to the pharmacist that was preparing her medicine.  Her voice was like a hammer on my head. 

I don't know what I have. Autism? ADHD? Maybe both?

I don't know.


  • It could be sociopathic Jerk syndrome.  You can develop it, you're not necessarily born with it.  Its what makes Audi owners drive aggressively and BMW owners order new cars without indicator switches.  Seriously, you're just different.  Autism might be a factor but there are plenty (Though I think less than there are in the neurotypical community) of autistics who overshare, over talk and will start conversations with a mannequin.  I have days when I want to wear a motorcycle helmet in public (Bad idea when you're banking) and other days when its dangerous for me to walk down my road because I'll stop and talk to everyone and get nothing done..

  • It could be sociopathic Jerk syndrome.  You can develop it, you're not necessarily born with it.  Its what makes Audi owners drive aggressively and BMW owners order new cars without indicator switches.  Seriously, you're just different.  Autism might be a factor but there are plenty (Though I think less than there are in the neurotypical community) of autistics who overshare, over talk and will start conversations with a mannequin.  I have days when I want to wear a motorcycle helmet in public (Bad idea when you're banking) and other days when its dangerous for me to walk down my road because I'll stop and talk to everyone and get nothing done..

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