Sensory issues

Hello all. 

I'm awaiting an assessment for diagnosis, it's a 27 month wait list and my god am I struggling. I find my main struggles are sounds. I'm struggling to sleep because things are waking me, cars on the road, dogs barking, others in the house moving around.....the smallest of things. I've got white noise playing when I sleep and also sometimes have ear plugs in. If I'm at home and sat watching TV etc and I hear a dog bark, loud car pass my house etc it really triggers me, I can only describe it as making me feel ill and angry. I hate these feelings. Not sure what I can do. There's a list of other things too but the sounds is definitely the worst! Any advice would be so appreciated 



  • I’m waiting for an assessment too but sounds are a real problem for me and always have been. I moved a few years ago to try and rectify this, to a nice quiet house, then my neighbours had 2 children one after the other. Now all I can hear all day is screaming children paired with a mother that talks extremely loudly and whistles and coughs all day and will sometimes randomly shout ‘Rahhhh’ really loudly, literally driving me crazy and I get so angry. I bought some loop earplugs a few months ago which does help but I’ve found I had to try and get used to being able to hear the amplified noises of my breathing, swallowing etc. 

    So many noises cause me issue though, not only loud noises like chainsaws, Road diggers, people slamming doors (car doors too). But if I’m sitting somewhere quiet and someone is fidgety and I can hear their clothes rustling or the sound of skin moving against skin, my water tank filling up when I’m trying to sleep as my daughter has a shower before bed, my dogs licking and cleaning themselves for ages, dogs panting loudly etc. Thenlistbis so long :( 

  • I’m waiting for an assessment too but sounds are a real problem for me and always have been. I moved a few years ago to try and rectify this, to a nice quiet house, then my neighbours had 2 children one after the other. Now all I can hear all day is screaming children paired with a mother that talks extremely loudly and whistles and coughs all day and will sometimes randomly shout ‘Rahhhh’ really loudly, literally driving me crazy and I get so angry. I bought some loop earplugs a few months ago which does help but I’ve found I had to try and get used to being able to hear the amplified noises of my breathing, swallowing etc. 

    So many noises cause me issue though, not only loud noises like chainsaws, Road diggers, people slamming doors (car doors too). But if I’m sitting somewhere quiet and someone is fidgety and I can hear their clothes rustling or the sound of skin moving against skin, my water tank filling up when I’m trying to sleep as my daughter has a shower before bed, my dogs licking and cleaning themselves for ages, dogs panting loudly etc. Thenlistbis so long :( 

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