Afraid as a child

I was very afraid being left alone when I was a child. My mom tells me I checked if she was home every 15 minutes when I was out playing outside our flat when I was like 3 years old. I really remember when I was maybe 2-3 sitting in the shopping trolley, this really burned into my memory. I needed to have a sight of my mom, if she went behind the trolley, I was saying mommy mommy, so that I could see her in my view point again. I always needed some sort of insurance that an adult was there for me, up to I was 14 years old.

I have a friend, very social I asked him, absolutely not autistic about this, and he could as well relate, he said he too needed to know were his parents were, maybe they were out shopping, and he was home alone, he could get very anxious until they came home, or if he was in a mall with them, he wanted to explore on his own, but had to keep an eye on his parents, something I can related to as well. So I don't know if this is normal or not, because for example my brother, he really didn't need this assurance, and I have seen many children not needing it as well.

I could as well relate this that I was much more aware of the environment, dangers etc. understanding that being left alone could put you in a awkward situation, most children only react when it happens that they find out that they have been out of sight from their parents. But I guess it was over the top for me.

Is this normal for people on the autism spectrum?

  • I don't feel fear at all, and I didn't figure out yet what is a reason behind it.

    First I though it's side effect of toxoplasmosis in childhood

    Now I think it's effect of alexithymic block I put on when going out for any reason

  • I don't feel fear at all, and I didn't figure out yet what is a reason behind it.

    First I though it's side effect of toxoplasmosis in childhood

    Now I think it's effect of alexithymic block I put on when going out for any reason
