Know what is what

Yesterday I wrote a post about finding the day difficult and occasionally experiencing ‘difficult days’ where nothing seems to work the way it usually does. I grow increasingly clumsy, changes to routine (that would usually make me anxious) impact hugely and my ability to interact with people goes out of the window.

Well I managed to navigate the day and made it to bed meltdown free, but I have woken up with many of the warning signs that it is about to happen again. My morning routine was impossible to stick to, which has been a little bit upsetting. But also my noise sensitivity has gone up a few levels and I’ve become quite a bit clumsier than normal. I’m going to have to brace myself for another tricky day ahead.

The thing is, one year into my diagnosis, I’m really trying to figure myself out. But it’s hard to know what is what. What are my warning sings? What are my triggers? What is linked to ASD and what isn’t? Perhaps the difficult day I experience yesterday was not what I thought and maybe it was an early indicator for a period of imminent burnout? Maybe that’s why I’ve woken up to the same feeling this morning. I don’t know, but then again, does anybody?

This whole thing can be tricky at times.

  • Apologies. I appear to have rambled on and not actually asked the question I had intended to. I can do that sometimes. 

    Does anyone have any strategies they utilise when they spot the signs of burnout but have unavoidable commitments ahead? If indeed these signs are burnout.

    Many thanks

  • Apologies. I appear to have rambled on and not actually asked the question I had intended to. I can do that sometimes. 

    Does anyone have any strategies they utilise when they spot the signs of burnout but have unavoidable commitments ahead? If indeed these signs are burnout.

    Many thanks

  • Interesting question. I can really identify with a lot of what you wrote. I do feel those signs of burnout a lot. When I do I try to take the next day or two very slowly and do lots of the things that I know comfort me, TV shows, music, books, places I feel safe going etc. 

    As for what to do if you have any unavoidable commitments, I still struggle with that one. I find thinking about whether they actually are unaviodable cos there are lots of things that feel it cos of our fear of letting people down but actually arent unaviodable if that makes sense. If they arent then having the courage to say no and not do them is hard but really helps. 
    If they actually are unavoidable then taking stimming toys/ fidget toys with you when you do them helps, having routines you know help you before you do them, like a comforting familiar meal for lunch perhaps, music you know you like to calm you down and, most importantly, rewarding yourself after they are done by really engaging in your special interests or things that you know comfort you. If you can tell yourself while your doing the thing "as soon as I get home I will sit down on the sofa and watch/ read/ listen to (insert favourite thing here) and just go easy on myself" I find that helps

    hope all this made sense!