My Special Interest is Thinking

It sounds bizarre even to me, but I couldn't tell what is my special interest, it bugged me all the time.

It was like in a polish poem for kids about Mister Hilary looking for his glasses, while he had them on his nose all along.

After I watched Autistamtic's video about special interests, I decided there is only one possibility - Thinking.

I do have many interests, some of them time and money consuming, but there is only one that persisted through my whole life - Thinking.

It is my safe place where I escape when in need. I do not need to be told to do it, and nobody can break in. 

I'm doing it for hours sometimes without noticing how long I am doing tt. If it wasn't for alarms I set, I would often miss moment when I'm supposed to get up and go to work, I'm so engrossed in it.

I can think about anything and everything, because it stimulates my special interest. The more wierd, unexplainable, uncommon, the better, it will make think longer. 

It would explain why I do not stick to one branch of knowledge, I read and absorb all, whatever I currently need to thinik about.

When I meet my friends I can talk about what I was thinking about lately with so much excitment and at increased speed, that I can tell they do not know how to interject. But I want their opinions too so I stop sometimes.

I come up with many radical, abstract conclusions often, to things nobody bothered to think about, but for me existing explanation was lacking, so I had to do it.

Does it make any sense to you? 

Have you heard about special interest that does not exist in a real word? 

Is it possible?

  • I agree with AnnieH. It sounds like you're a deep thinker which could definitely be a special interest. It's something you find interesting and enjoy doing, it's also something no one can take from you and stop you doing.

    I think this very possible and a great interest to have. Also as you said a good place to escape to.

    I have a special interest which is in my head a bit like yours which is dreaming/daydreaming. I picture worlds, characters, adventures in my head. I can hear it happening if I really think about it. This isn't a psychosis by the way, I got checked for that. It is just my imagination and mind. A bit like you, my way of escaping.

    I love your special interest.

  • I picture worlds, characters, adventures in my head.

    I do that as well. I used to play RPGs as teenager a lot. It was usefull to know what to do first Smiley

    I am trying to write sci-fi book now, but writing isn't in range of my special interest,

    I need someone to invent how to download what's in my head Smiley

  • I picture worlds, characters, adventures in my head.

    I do that as well. I used to play RPGs as teenager a lot. It was usefull to know what to do first Smiley

    I am trying to write sci-fi book now, but writing isn't in range of my special interest,

    I need someone to invent how to download what's in my head Smiley

  • Girls think about romance when they're adolescent not about playing checkers with their brother Stuck out tongue

    Not everything is bad in our lives.

    I did have a lot of fun, just not among 'normal' people, 

  • That's lovely. It sounds like you had a lot of fun sometimes. It's funny how parents don't like some things like that. I like your saying though, what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over ... A lot of the things I do are a bit like that. It's like being here my mother wouldn't understand or like. But I find it helpful and enjoy being with others. It doesn't hurt.

    Sorry your sisters are different now. I've never had siblings.

  • There was one girl for 3 sessions, other boys 'killed her' in game to many times, and she said 'bye bye losers', nobody ever listened to me in real life, i was telling them to hold their horses, GM as well.

    I wasn't telling my mom at first where I'm going or what I'm going to do, or that there will be many people, she new one of them so I was using him as an excuse, telling mom I'm going to see him, he lived next village

    Then we lost access to sewing factory, and we started playing at flats or houses of one of us in turn, then it was my turn and I had to tell mom, after she heard the language we used or what we were  'doing' she never asked me what I'm going to do again, as the saying goes: What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.

    My sisters liked to play games with me a lot, but when they turned adolescent they changed

  • Oh so cool. I wasn't allowed to play games, mother didn't like it and thought it wasn't right for girls. Shame they looked such fun. Maybe that's why I just do it in my head now Slight smile

    Good luck with your book. You're very good at writing I bet it will be a fantastic read.

    Omg yes! Could definitely do with a download for our heads.