Reaction to .....

I react quite badly to any form of change, shock or surprise.
An email about a direct debit rise for example can send me into a tailspin. Even something tiny, such as an assistant unexpectedly removing and keeping a coat hanger from an item of clothing at the checkout can cause stress and anxiety 

I had other examples in mind, but am still reacting to something  that happened recently so I can't think properly right now. 

It's not that I can't be impulsive, because I can. But anything that blindsides me can send me into a small or a major meltdown

My ways of coping are to sleep, or if that isn't possible, play a game on my phone or watch a favourite TV show wearing my comfy clothes.  But I'm looking for ways of managing my reactions to changes, rather than just coping after I've had the reaction.

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