cant understand people having multiple friends

truly, its always just, confused the hell out of me, i don't know why, maybe because im one of those people that finds a close mate and sticks to em? i dunno.

although i have the problem of burning bridges all the time, so perhaps thats one of the reasons?

ive no idea, people generally seem to like me, or at least say so, but also theres, i dunno, always felt somethings not right, in my reactions to people and theyres to me

just takes a very particular type of person to get along with me? i dunno, been thinking on for years and still dont get it

trying to type this out is confusing me even more and im now rambling lol.

  • Redundancy... ;c) Always keep a spare to hand...

    Also more human and complex reasons, but Autism can be edgily close to psychopathy in me some days...

  • sorry but im seeing spares as organ "donors", but ive a twisted sense of humour haha

  • Friends are tricky when you are Autistic. One "defect" in me is that I clearly see existence as divided into two very problematic sections that for some reason it's MY job to conjoin.


    The most dangerous and hard to fathom hazards in my life have always come from OTHER PEOPLE starting with my "who needs a condom" parents, and stretching back over more than a half century of betrayal and misunderstandings, but OCCASIONALLY you meet an actual honest to god, straight thinking decent person who likes & gets on with you... 

    Now, this sort of thing feels much nicer than the cold indifference, or worse, that most of the world throws your way.

    For some of us it happens more than once, and we find the loss of such people from our lives painful. In my case, I got myself a book about how people work, specifically so that I can care better for those sort who do enter my life, and not hack them off with my behaviour. I overdid it at first and became a "good friend to all", which is a really, really, horrible, lonely existence, but after a few decades of practice, I have attracted and kept company with a few wildly different and geographically separate people, who I am actually pleased to be able to call my good friends.   

    Is that a better answer? If it is, the tip jar is over on the piano...

  • Friends are tricky when you are Autistic. One "defect" in me is that I clearly see existence as divided into two very problematic sections that for some reason it's MY job to conjoin.


    The most dangerous and hard to fathom hazards in my life have always come from OTHER PEOPLE starting with my "who needs a condom" parents, and stretching back over more than a half century of betrayal and misunderstandings, but OCCASIONALLY you meet an actual honest to god, straight thinking decent person who likes & gets on with you... 

    Now, this sort of thing feels much nicer than the cold indifference, or worse, that most of the world throws your way.

    For some of us it happens more than once, and we find the loss of such people from our lives painful. In my case, I got myself a book about how people work, specifically so that I can care better for those sort who do enter my life, and not hack them off with my behaviour. I overdid it at first and became a "good friend to all", which is a really, really, horrible, lonely existence, but after a few decades of practice, I have attracted and kept company with a few wildly different and geographically separate people, who I am actually pleased to be able to call my good friends.   

    Is that a better answer? If it is, the tip jar is over on the piano...

  • It's low self esteem. Hang about on this forum long enough and we'll knock that sillyness out of you! 

    Autism isn't all bad, it's just horribly confusing. Particularly when it comes to people. 

    I read quite a lot, and always recommend us 'Spergs learn a bit of "transactional analysis" just to even the playing field a bit, and live slightly happier lives. It worked well for for me & I've met a few people since who swear by it as a good thing, so yeah. T.A. for the when when it comes to managing your people problems. 

    OO lookit the time, time for sleeeeep!!

  • haha, yeah, tips on its way to the jar.

    and yeah the "good friend to all" thing, yeah, its crap, well me, i have this bloody "if i cant do everything for someone then im useless" thing going on, 

    so yeah, i know that existence all too well.