Not at all sure I fit in here

Having read comments here over the last couple of days  I'm increasingly wondering whether this community/forum is a good fit for me.  Whereas I'm not a severe autistic needing 24x7x365 care I also can't identify with the high powered careers and lives  many of you seem to have.

To some degree that may be due to having a comorbid  schizophrenia/schizo-affective dx.It's a compatibility issue not one where any of you have done anything wrong. I've never had a paid job.I lead a rather basic lifestyle to minimise stress . Stress being my 'green kryptonite'. Even then it's only with quite a lot of support  That's because  in  my case adaptive functioning is significantly < than would reasonably be expected given my level of intelligence.

I've not read much at all about others here being in the same boat, which leads me to believe I'm something of an 'outlier'.

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  • Yes, I used to think that I was ambitious but really, knowing what I now know, I think that was actually part of a mask that I'd felt bounced into projecting for years and years, from my earliest schooldays onwards.  I needed to shake free of all that to avoid becoming ill and burning out, time after time. 

    So I might have seemed high-powered.  But underneath....   tomato!

  • The tomato thing is great. I do love an enjoyably random word being assigned to an 'about as 'X' as...' My favourite might be "come and see the TARDIS. As an invasion weapon it's about as offensive as a chicken vol au vent

    Food items clearly work particularly well! 

    Sorry, that just got extra random. Back on topic. 

  • The tomato thing is great. I do love an enjoyably random word being assigned to an 'about as 'X' as...' My favourite might be "come and see the TARDIS. As an invasion weapon it's about as offensive as a chicken vol au vent

    Food items clearly work particularly well! 

    Sorry, that just got extra random. Back on topic. 
