Not at all sure I fit in here

Having read comments here over the last couple of days  I'm increasingly wondering whether this community/forum is a good fit for me.  Whereas I'm not a severe autistic needing 24x7x365 care I also can't identify with the high powered careers and lives  many of you seem to have.

To some degree that may be due to having a comorbid  schizophrenia/schizo-affective dx.It's a compatibility issue not one where any of you have done anything wrong. I've never had a paid job.I lead a rather basic lifestyle to minimise stress . Stress being my 'green kryptonite'. Even then it's only with quite a lot of support  That's because  in  my case adaptive functioning is significantly < than would reasonably be expected given my level of intelligence.

I've not read much at all about others here being in the same boat, which leads me to believe I'm something of an 'outlier'.

  • I'd not worry about it as the oblique position long term asd people can be in is often totally illogical due to a life pattern that was disrupted. Mines like that. I left school at 12 having hardly taken part in primary education either. Then sociological problems constantly. Could not get jobs & when i did it usually commission only and i mostly exploited. Years rolled by, but i did take a great interest in self study over a large range of science & philosophy subjects. And i do research to an acceptable level, much of which goes to schools & colleges and is listened to by them, has been for 15 years and they know my material. So i also learned tp compose to the level of scientific paper, and that isn't easy as they must flow with professional level. That takes a lot of editing for someone like me who will post stuff littered with mistakes. But none of its work or paid, it only gives me a way not to waste all that work i did with learning. And i'm as nowhere in life as i always was actually. I'm only typical of some life long asperger people who turn to deep study & won't get any recognition even after 40 years of bone fide study & in my case lots of public output. Thats the way it goes. Others might have turned life around with that will to study should they have done it in the official way. I found i just could not go down that route where the choice of using isolation was an impaired form of choice in itself. Furthermore the most extreme challenges i'd encounter socially, were in fact during these past 20 years. This probably means then that i'd never have been able to work in a formal environment had i gone there. I hope that the current state of support evolution help others with that should they be similar. Say if a 25 - 30 year old finds themselves gripped by the desire to study & they are able to be supported through adult education & theres someone who can be around to smooth over the bumps. Missing out on school due being abused there is a life long impairment in itself. I found myself in a position where a desperate education (a deputy head )  had been stealing the school funds & wanted to pin it on some boys. I'd just moved to the area & was hanging out with a boy from the same street at that school. I didn't know that he and another boy had a bad reputation, and to me they were a supportive aspect of a school i'd just joined basically. But this head earmarked them for the scapegoating & i came with that group now, blissfully unaware they'd be targeted as they were delinquent, perhaps easy prey. So we are being called in to the mans office and being accused of stealing these funds & being beaten The guy lashed out with a sideways wrestler type  kick and broke my leg & i never return to school ever again! Another teacher grassed him eventually and he was tried & went to prison about the school fund theft.  If you get a bad start in life & are also aspergers its not easy to get out of the entanglement such complications cause. I was also adopted at 3 weeks of age so that sense of alienation doesn't help either. My real mother was a POW under the japanese and though liberated back to safety in england gradually lost her mind.  

  • I'd not worry about it as the oblique position long term asd people can be in is often totally illogical due to a life pattern that was disrupted. Mines like that. I left school at 12 having hardly taken part in primary education either. Then sociological problems constantly. Could not get jobs & when i did it usually commission only and i mostly exploited. Years rolled by, but i did take a great interest in self study over a large range of science & philosophy subjects. And i do research to an acceptable level, much of which goes to schools & colleges and is listened to by them, has been for 15 years and they know my material. So i also learned tp compose to the level of scientific paper, and that isn't easy as they must flow with professional level. That takes a lot of editing for someone like me who will post stuff littered with mistakes. But none of its work or paid, it only gives me a way not to waste all that work i did with learning. And i'm as nowhere in life as i always was actually. I'm only typical of some life long asperger people who turn to deep study & won't get any recognition even after 40 years of bone fide study & in my case lots of public output. Thats the way it goes. Others might have turned life around with that will to study should they have done it in the official way. I found i just could not go down that route where the choice of using isolation was an impaired form of choice in itself. Furthermore the most extreme challenges i'd encounter socially, were in fact during these past 20 years. This probably means then that i'd never have been able to work in a formal environment had i gone there. I hope that the current state of support evolution help others with that should they be similar. Say if a 25 - 30 year old finds themselves gripped by the desire to study & they are able to be supported through adult education & theres someone who can be around to smooth over the bumps. Missing out on school due being abused there is a life long impairment in itself. I found myself in a position where a desperate education (a deputy head )  had been stealing the school funds & wanted to pin it on some boys. I'd just moved to the area & was hanging out with a boy from the same street at that school. I didn't know that he and another boy had a bad reputation, and to me they were a supportive aspect of a school i'd just joined basically. But this head earmarked them for the scapegoating & i came with that group now, blissfully unaware they'd be targeted as they were delinquent, perhaps easy prey. So we are being called in to the mans office and being accused of stealing these funds & being beaten The guy lashed out with a sideways wrestler type  kick and broke my leg & i never return to school ever again! Another teacher grassed him eventually and he was tried & went to prison about the school fund theft.  If you get a bad start in life & are also aspergers its not easy to get out of the entanglement such complications cause. I was also adopted at 3 weeks of age so that sense of alienation doesn't help either. My real mother was a POW under the japanese and though liberated back to safety in england gradually lost her mind.  

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