ASD Email disclaimer?

Hi all,

Non ASD people seem to struggle with my abruptness and straightforwardness in my emails. I’m told they come across as aggressive and cold and can be upsetting. 
I don’t see it that way at all no matter how many times I read and rewrite. It also causes issues in my professional life too. 
I'm thinking of adding an email disclaimer saying I’ve ASD and to make allowances and responses should be short and sweet. 

has anyone else done this? Is it a good idea? Or am I just opening myself to hassle?

thanks x

Parents Reply
  • you aren't 

    thereare always some misunderstandings

    I would say because we are not used to go without them and we emulate NTs behaviour here,

    so until you mix in feeling it's ojnly miscommunication issue and it can be found out and corrected

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