I am suspicious that my family could have undiagnosed ASD

Even I am suspicious that both of my parents might have ASD.

My dad told me that he has sensory issues, and I see him have restricted interests and repetitive behaviors most of the time, and loves routine. I came into conclusion that he was like that from early childhood, but his social skills is much better.

My mom also has sensory issues, and my grandmother told me that she has milder problems with socializing with some men, and gets very angry when her routine changes.

My brother has Broad Autism Phenotype, he plays with his sensory toy and reacts badly when his routine changes, but to a milder degree. My brother's symptoms is so mild, it's mild to the point where he is in the army.

My brother could have ASD, but he is developed enough to the point where he is joining the army.

It's geneticely inherited.

  • I'm working with a few individuals in the field. It's genetic. What's even more fascinating is a geneticist friend said new breakthroughs reveal everyone has the 'autism gene' (best way to describe it). In other words it's a necessary human thinker which every tribe needs. 

    While there are basic human components to it, as this type of human uses different parts of the brain for reasoning, perceiving and understanding the world, where does one draw the line between reliability and frustration over schedule changes? Or harsh unnatural lighting which is damaging to infant's retinas and causing a significant amount more accidents on the road and 'sensitive'? What about unnatural fibres the skin cannot breathe in made from tar/petroleum bi-products and hyper-sensory. Are all musicians Autistic? The repetition and focus required to become skilled at many professions could be classified as Autistic. From the heartbeat, to the pattern of the earth in rotation, bird song, seasons, to all matters of tiny rituals - where does the repetition become autistic? Some research has decided to try and change the oscillations of Autistic Gamma rays which make them dependable, trustworthy with detail to time and patterns simply because society has forgotten how to raise children with integrity and values. 

    Much of what we are irritated at young autistic-thinkers for is the groundwork for precision, calculation, systems-thinking, steadfastness and so on - basically, good human values in need of development. And talents WE NEED for an advanced society. Early humans didn't like surprises, they only came in the form of a tiger in the camp. And guess who would be able to recognise this before anyone else? The Autist. 

    For Centuries, a trade would be handed down to offspring. There is a reason we have sayings like "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree". It doesn't mean we have to make bad choices, but it does mean it's likely a child will have some natural talents or inclinations their parent had. 

    Currently, we've discovered this Autistic 'neuro-wiring' is unique and different to what is Typical because society is becoming incredibly Consumer-Based. A hundred plus years ago, it may have been more noticeable when it was coupled with added learning disabilities or when picture-thinking Autistics encountered a fault with the element in their brain which differentiated reality from phantasy, pushing them toward Schizophrenia. 

    One Should have many of the same problems with modern society as, say, Orwell or Chesterton calculated would happen in the future. 

  • It has to be specific genes that causes ASD. It can't be just everyone has a little bit of it.

  • According to geneticists- and this is the updated research, everyone has the genetics to have been wired this way. Because were not actually different just a unique part of a whole tribe.

    Essentially autistic-thinking is using the brain different. Just like NT thinking, one can have extreme added learning difficulties or other disabilities. But we become more noticeable as the consumer mindset is the expected norm. There are more humans than ever and somehow they grow less tolerant and more entitled. Adverts tell us how we should all think. Imagine if the Autist didn’t exist who would help redirect the tribe from buying into fake news  


  • I like that. Chimes with some thoughts I had the other day. 

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