Questioning if I understand the consequences of my actions

As a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I am afraid that I could commit petty sexual crime without mens rea, because I don't understand some body languages very well, specifically body languages that are supposed to be simple to understand, and I don't understand mixed messages very well, even though it's obvious. 

I get scared that I can't agree or disagree if I am being inappropriate, even when my friends say that I am a good friend to them. 

I know that studies say that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder are more likely to be victims than being perpetrators, but the problem is crime is a very broad term, and you need social skills to follow specific laws. Lacking social skills can highten the risk for petty criminal behavior, specifically related to invading boundaries.

I sometimes become violent and very stressed when I am in a completely different environment, and at the moment, I don't feel safe, but to others, I am seen as a criminal. It's embarrassing!

  • This is where I can assist, I work for the Police and I can assure you this is not the case.

    The NAS has provided a helpful guide for the police on what to do if we come across someone who is on the spectrum.

    Many of my colleagues are also Autistic, so have an understanding of what is going on.

    On the point of Conviction Rates, this is not a thing, Qoutas like this are unlawful and impede on Human Rights.

    It's a shame you think this way, as I have never seen any of my colleagues act like this or in my experience dealt with an Autistic person with any less respect than an NT.

    In my time in the Police, I have only dealt with anyone with ASD as a victim or when they are having a full blown meltdown in a public place.

    Never treated them as an easy way to get a prosecution, as that is illegal. If there is evidence they committed an offence than unfortunately they have to be dealt with, but their condition will be noted and there will be assistance put in place for them. This is not the 1970s

    [Quotes in this thread have been removed by a moderator for GDPR purposes]

  • There are studies that people a lot of people with ASD are overrepresented in foransic facilities, but I do agree that it's not like the 1970s, but there is a fear that some symptoms of ASD can be misconstrued as criminal behavior depending on the situation.

    My fear is that I can commit crimes related to social boundaries without mens rea, because my social skills is not the good, that is why I prefer to ask for firm and direct clear communication.

  • Thank you!  It makes sense.

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