Loss of Identity & Severe Mental Unwellbeing. Im So Sad.

Hi Everyone 

I am new here and have pulled myself apart about writing anything as everything is so difficult. My diagnosis is recent being in November last year after a 30 month difficult journey following a crisis that completely turned my life upside down. If five years ago I would have been given a trip in to the future to see where I am now, I would have been devastated. Don't get me wrong, life wasn't easy, I didn't function easily in life.

Life has been an experience of being over-exploited in the workplace (as I cannot say no and I am a people pleaser, plus I always feel anxiety that I will get into trouble for doing something wrong or getting caught out!?). Imposter Syndrome! This led to me often doing other people's work for them, doing two roles plus instead of one, and crashing and burning at night and at weekends just to keep going. I have always been an easy target for bullies too, but crumbled and could not stand up for myself, but I could challenge on behalf of other people. 

I have, looking back, so wanted to be liked, I did extra things to try and make friends as beyond my comments about the weather as a conversation piece I've always been awkward. I've been on the outside looking in. Avoided social events, and could only talk to people if it was about work. Polite, well mannered, strong values on fairness and justice.i could not understand how people seemed to get through life and do things easily and seem to enjoy life when my sad life was exactly that. Sad, Hypersensitive, Lonely, pre-rehearsing things all the time. My anxiety and depression  have been the only constant companions for as long as I can remember and I am heading towards 50 years of age.

I could not understand why people would lie and treat other people badly to their own advantage and it is this situation that finally tore me apart 3.5 years ago in the workplace. I  was the only person who challenged and stood by the targeted individual as what was happening in a professional organisation was despicable. It made me question the organisation, my profession and as the bullying then turned to me I resigned after 20 plus years (despite the union telling me to take them on I couldnt).

What happened next was a complete unravelling of me. I totally crumbled. It started my AS Assessment journey by my GP, but also left me with no me. My whole identity had been built around what I did at work and my profession. When I got home from work I didn't function and just slept until time to return to deal with all the work again. When it had gone, I didn't and still don't know who I am as for more than half my life I was my job role with borrowed bits I liked from popular people to try and fit in and well what a saddo.

For the past 3.5 plus years my usual depression and anxiety has ramped up. I barely leave the house. I didn't have confidence before, (imposter syndrome) but I acted ok  and rehearsed to get promoted at one point. Oeople didn't realise how much i was paddling under the surface.

I'm hyper-sensitive and hyper-empathic and crowds, noise, light, everything is a struggle. I panic if I see anybody and go into flight mode. I tried to work part time in a completely unrelated job but would cry in the toilets, until a GP told me enough was enough and signed me off work.

I feel a failure. I feel my parents feel I'm a failure as they were proud of my professional career. I just feel broken. I can't pretend anymore. I'm in a million blank pieces and I wish the world would leave me in peace. But we have got to prove I'm unfit to work which is causing more crises.

I cannot genuinely remember the last time I felt any joy. Because I was able to explain how I was feeling and why the mental health team said I wasn't in crisis.

The journey and support out there for adults is truly shocking. If I ever get to a place in the future where I can, I have vowed I want to help adults (because of all the skills I had) to never ever get to a place where I have found myself.

  • Welcome and sorry to hear of your situation. You sound like someone who tries to help others and thoughtful towards others. 

    I am wondering if there are any voluntary sector places that could help you to use your caring skills in a low key way as a start.

  • Hi Homebird

    Thank you for taking time to reply. At the minute I struggle to leave the house and I panic. It sounds silly but I'm wondering are we more vulnerable to PTSD? I'm actually scared of / wary of people now and have panics if there is a knock at the door or my phone rings. I have no idea of who I am, and my physical health and my mental health are poor. I've been referred for an adhd assessment now. My AS diagnosis made so much sense about me from a child onwards (I was described as a sensitive child, and sad much of the time as social interaction etc was terrible for me), as well as describing my other traits. For years I thought I was odd, weird, unlikeable no matter how hard I tried but now I know it wasn't me or my fault. I'm sad for the little girl, the teenager that was always anxious. I'm sad for the adult who role-played through life waiting to be caught out and built her total self identity around her job. I was too much of a chameleon and too good at Masking. I can't do it anymore. Now my goal is to eventually be able to go out for a walk with my other half. 

  • I too have wondered about being more vulnerable to PTSD. The pandemic has taken its toll on my mental health. I have only been able to continue working because I work from home and have been fearful of being asked to go into the office. Although I go for walks where it is quiet, any need to going anywhere else like the dentist has been a huge challenge. I went out with my husband today and had to use a public toilet first time since the pandemic started. I am now trying to recover from the experience. I don't feel comfortable about being near people.

    I hope you are able to meet your goal of going out for a walk with your other half.

  • Hi thanks for your reply. I will reply properly later, I'm not being rude I'm just in a bit of a state at the minute as I have a health assessment today for esa. This is all new to me and I'm not handling it very well. 

  • Hi thanks for your reply. I will reply properly later, I'm not being rude I'm just in a bit of a state at the minute as I have a health assessment today for esa. This is all new to me and I'm not handling it very well. 

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