
Does anyone else overplan? I often have to stop myself as I find my mind planning things I will be doing next week or even weeks time in minute detail. I am trying to put off the planning until it needs doing otherwise it becomes exhausting.

Had a good day today doing a little gardening and relaxing in the sun, but still had to stop myself planning the next lots of planting 

  • I tend to plan big things but not everyday ones. For instance I had Tuesday off work. Apart from a doctors appointment I have the day to myself. There are things I wiant to do that day but I will not plan them or it stresses me out. Work wise I can never plan more than 1 day ahead as thats the nature of my work. In terms of weekds I have a very full calender for the summer but never think about it much until the Monday before. 

    On the other hand today my wife and I are booking a holiday for October. For weeks I have been looking at the hotel, area, whats where, nice restuarants etc, thats happy planning.

  • I tend to plan big things but not everyday ones. For instance I had Tuesday off work. Apart from a doctors appointment I have the day to myself. There are things I wiant to do that day but I will not plan them or it stresses me out. Work wise I can never plan more than 1 day ahead as thats the nature of my work. In terms of weekds I have a very full calender for the summer but never think about it much until the Monday before. 

    On the other hand today my wife and I are booking a holiday for October. For weeks I have been looking at the hotel, area, whats where, nice restuarants etc, thats happy planning.

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