Reality vs Fantasy....Do you Dream away ?

This is a Weird one,so i thought i would ask it anyway to see if it is just me,or if you experience this also.

Basically, i often find Myself mentally drifting away and Fantasizing that there is " Another Me " out there somewhere in the World and living a Different life.

It,s hard to explain but it feels like i am stuck in this reality but i should be " out there " somewhere else..

For Example, like watching a favorite t.v series and feeling like i should be a part of it ( not the cast but the characters ) The weird part is i get the feelings to go along with it !

Strange huh ?  A bit like Role-playing.

If you all say you dont experience this then i,d better Ring my  G.P !  Grin

  • I can relate to this in many ways. I daydream a lot truth be told. I picture myself in lots of different situations that I probably wouldn’t actually find myself in. Music brings out many daydreams and imaginings for me. Often the sound of the songs, probably entirely unrelated to the song lyrics, trigger an sequence of imagination that usually takes me off on a bit of a tangent. It often results in whatever I was doing taking a lot longer, but I enjoy my time spent daydreaming and I feel I need time to do it too. If I go a few days without doing it, I get quite burnt out or find burn out creeping up a bit quicker. 

  • And I can relate to what you have said.

    I have music blasting in my ears now

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