Newly diagnosed, and feeling a bit lost

Hello community,

It's nice to meet you.

I received a diagnosis of autism yesterday. I'm 50, I'm in shock, and I also feel a bit like I'm falling into a deep hole of confusion. While I'm now glad to have a treatment framework to work within, I'm also feeling very sad that I didn't know about this until now, the latter of which seems to be a common theme I've read here.

Should I tell my extended family? Should I tell my workplace? Should I be open about it, or keep hiding my true self? I'm not sure what to do. I've been ashamed of being different my whole life, so it seems counter-intuitive for me to share this neuro-divergent diagnosis with neurotypical people. 

Thanks for reading 

  • I'm also newly diagnosed at age 38 and I also felt shocked, even though I knew I was different my whole life. I also found it difficult to know whether to tell my family or not. The most supportive response I got was from my children aged 17 and 8, it just feels like we all understand eachother more and has brought us closer together. We talk much more openly and often, and they are a great support. My parents immediately dismissed it as I guess they couldn't comprehend that I've had this condition my whole life. The one thing I would say is that receiving the diagnosis has validated myself and I feel like I can be me. My partner also understands me so much better now as we can attribute certain things I do to my autism and we don't fall out as much! I would say take the diagnosis as a blessing that you are finally understood as you and those closest to you will become even closer. 

  • Thanks for your reply, I think my parents would dismiss it too if I tell them. I'm trying to take this all as a great leap forward, but I still feel like I need to spend the weekend (at least) sobbing in my PJ's. I've told my husband that I won't be able to do anything for the next few days while I process this 

  • Thanks for your reply, I think my parents would dismiss it too if I tell them. I'm trying to take this all as a great leap forward, but I still feel like I need to spend the weekend (at least) sobbing in my PJ's. I've told my husband that I won't be able to do anything for the next few days while I process this 

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