
Hi. Following my diagnosis I’m doing lots of ‘autism and…’ searches on Google, though trying to ration the searches to a non-obsessional pace and largely succeeding so far. I have, after all, the rest of my life (however long that may be) to look into all the angles. 

One thing I’ve always had is that I tire easily and need to nap a lot. And while I have had bouts of insomnia when going through especially tough times, falling asleep has generally happened after not terribly long most nights.  Before the diagnosis I assumed that my introversion and overthinking brain were both big factors in this - inefficient batteries! I would have joked on occasion about being ‘narcoleptic’ even, not to make light of that condition - just an acknowledgment of my bagpuss/dormouse nature despite being a worrier. I guess I tire myself out by burning mental calories on exertion that others wouldn’t having the same thoughts. And/or I have a ton more complex ruminations about many things in the day than most NTs.

Anyway, so when I searched, today, for ‘autism and sleep’ I kind of expected to see me fitting in with a trend there. But it said that generally it’s the opposite: most autistic people get little sleep, wake for protracted periods in the night and so on. And now I’m worried that I’m somehow not typical enough, though perhaps worrying at all shows that I am! One thing I will say is that I’m fairly nocturnal. Living on my own as I do, it’s not uncommon for me to stay up well past midnight on a work night and at the weekends into the small hours, though usually with a half hour nap or two on the sofa being part of the night’s pattern.

can anyone reassure me that I’m not alone in being able to get a decent (ish) number of hours sleep each day -maybe six or seven-, even if not in the most conventional pattern each time? I know that I should bear in mind that figure 8 for diversity but I always find a little external validation from someone who says ‘me too’ most consoling. 

  • Having said that, I know two people (a couple) who are NTs as far as I know, and go to sleep at exactly 10 each night 365 days a year no matter what. And if that’s more standard for people then I’d have to say I wouldn’t t fit the mold. Anyway, anyones thoughts on this much appreciated and sorry for being so rambling with what could have been a lot more concise! Another lifelong issue…

  • Having said that, I know two people (a couple) who are NTs as far as I know, and go to sleep at exactly 10 each night 365 days a year no matter what. And if that’s more standard for people then I’d have to say I wouldn’t t fit the mold. Anyway, anyones thoughts on this much appreciated and sorry for being so rambling with what could have been a lot more concise! Another lifelong issue…

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