Any other Autistic adults who have no desire to be in a relationship ?

Hi there everyone, new here!

Bit about me - I am currently a 23 year old self diagnosed high functioning Autistic female who is currently on the very long waiting list for an assessment. 

I was wondering if anyone else here feels the same as me and weather its common for this community

I have no desire whatsoever to be in a romantic relationship. All my friends and family are either married or seeing someone and I seem to just not have any desire for it, although strangely I do feel jealous when seeing it, even though for myself I just don't see it ever happening. I guess its more due to my social issues than anything else. I don't find other people interesting, when people talk to me its like its going through one ear and out the other. I have really never plucked up the courage to go on dates without a stiff few drinks first. Same goes for friendships. I have friends yet really I couldn't care less if I lost them or never saw them again. I'm not a mean or distant person, I just really don't need social interaction to live a full life.

I feel perfectly happy living alone, being alone and having a solitary life with my pets! Anyone else feel the same? Or am I bad person who needs to change...

  • I can't even make a friend let alone start a relationship, I wouldn't know where to start. I've looked up tips online how to make friends and I still have none lol. Useless with people so I imagine a relationship would be the exact same, I don't want to think about it lol.

  • I can't even make a friend let alone start a relationship, I wouldn't know where to start. I've looked up tips online how to make friends and I still have none lol. Useless with people so I imagine a relationship would be the exact same, I don't want to think about it lol.

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