Politics: Do you guys find it hard to find a reason to vote anymore or is it just me.

I use to be a brittish conservative just so the yanks on here don't get confused but now I don't vote at all. I'm not even sure politics makes sense to me and see it more as a modern day religion or cult. When you watch people debate in parliament you have to question why do we allow these people to run the country at times. But voting genuinely seems pointless and doesn't seem to mean anything to me personally. Just find it odd how people get so wrild up about or defensive about if politics is like there life or something it's kind of sad really cause SDK yourself what do the government do for you besides raise taxes and make life more difuclt. By that I mean they claim to give us a pay rise then the next year they increase taxes which completely defetes the objective of a pay raise as even if your pay does increase by a small amount if taxes rise then your money still doesn't go far due to tax inflation canceling it out. It's as if they take us for fools. 

  • I was brought up to believe that unless one makes the effort to vote, one cannot really complain if one disagrees with the policies of the elected party, both locally and nationally. To a degree, I still believe that, but as I've got older I have increasingly found it difficult to decide upon the political party I want to vote for.

    During the run-up to an election, particularly a national election, it seems the purpose of political campaigns is to sling as much mud as possible at the opposition. In my opinion, they excel at pointing out all the reasons why one shouldn't vote for the other party, will go out of their way to avoid answering questions relating to their own manifesto, and basically say whatever they think will help to get them elected. I know this isn't a new thing, as I've been alive for long enough to know that this is the way it has been for decades.

    I know that when the next general election comes along, unless I'm willing to provide photo ID, I won't be able to vote. The need for photo ID in order to vote seems a bit too much like Big Brother to me. Fair enough when photographs are required for the likes of passports, driving licenses, travel cards, etc, but I strongly object to photo ID being required for the purpose of casting a vote.

  • You can vote by post without needing photo ID. It's not well publicized by the Government, but you can do it. 

    You can apply for a postal vote on the Government website, although there are also websites that will submit the form on your behalf I think. 

  • I didn't know you could do it online.

    Thanks Pray 

  • Yes, I suspect it's meant to put you off...


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