Politics: Do you guys find it hard to find a reason to vote anymore or is it just me.

I use to be a brittish conservative just so the yanks on here don't get confused but now I don't vote at all. I'm not even sure politics makes sense to me and see it more as a modern day religion or cult. When you watch people debate in parliament you have to question why do we allow these people to run the country at times. But voting genuinely seems pointless and doesn't seem to mean anything to me personally. Just find it odd how people get so wrild up about or defensive about if politics is like there life or something it's kind of sad really cause SDK yourself what do the government do for you besides raise taxes and make life more difuclt. By that I mean they claim to give us a pay rise then the next year they increase taxes which completely defetes the objective of a pay raise as even if your pay does increase by a small amount if taxes rise then your money still doesn't go far due to tax inflation canceling it out. It's as if they take us for fools. 

  • The trouble with voter apathy is it tends to give the green light to political parties to do what they want, knowing that it won't affect them so much at the next election as there are a few groups they can always rely on.

    The current system is also very flawed and not fit for purpose. Much like in America, the elections are often decided by a minority of people in marginal constituencies and loads don't go out to vote since they live in 'safe' seats and it's unlikely to make a difference. That said, our PM's behavior may have changed a few minds recently.

    I think it's a bit of a shame that people don't exercise this important democratic right (though I do understand why people feel it's devalued) and then complain about the government that they get 

  • It was planned, all along, to implement a Global Utopia of the Left. 

Reply Children
  • When I did the research into the history of Manchester, including from chatting with older people, when I’d first moved here and the before the online censorship of historians ever got going I was horrified to discover that despite pretending to be on the side of working class people, one particular party actively betrayed working class people for generations since 1914 - there was a brief golden age between 1955-1965, but after this many areas of Manchester suffered a decline and went into social deprivation, never really recovering, instead climbing up social deprivation league tables despite efforts at regeneration of socially deprived working class areas, where long-term unemployment became the norm, which itself brought its own terrible consequences